Welcome to The Dark Room

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 Rachel didn't want to go and study with Nathan, she was feeling extremely nervous, but she had decided she would go. She promised to help him study for their science test, and if she was wrong and was just getting that gut feeling for no reason then she would feel terrible for standing him up. She hoped that they were close enough for Nathan to not do anything to hurt her. With that in mind, Rachel grabbed her phone from its hiding spot and walked to Graban Park.

When Rachel got to the park she saw Nathan, she reminded herself that Nathan was her friend and walked over to him. "Hey." Rachel said.

"Hi." Nathan replied.

"So is there any specific thing that you find hard about Physics?"
"Ya, the word problems."

"Ok, we will do those then."

Rachel had been doing word problems with Nathan for about 10 minutes. She was starting to calm down. She had figured that she was just worried about nothing. She was right to not stand Nathan up. She was wrong, she can trust Nathan. That was when she felt something sharp go into her neck.

When Rachel woke up she was alone. She had been tied to a chair. There were a bunch of cameras. There was a bookshelf, with a bunch of red binders. The binders all had different names on them, Kate, Maya, Abby, Ava, Tess and Sasha were a few of the ones that looked full. Then there was one with Rachel's name which was empty along with another empty one with the name Lily. Rachel tried to get her hands untied, to no success. Then she thought maybe if she could get her phone in her hand she could call the police, which was when she realized she didn't have her phone on her anymore. She looked around to see it on a glass table.

Rachel tried to calm herself down, everyone always says that when you are in a scary situation you should always remain calm. Rachel tried to take a few deep breaths, but it wasn't working. Rachel was scared, she was scared about what was going to happen to her. She was right, she couldn't trust Nathan. That gut feeling she had was right, she should have listened to it. Why didn't she?

Rachel started to cry, she didn't know what to do. She felt so helpless. There wasn't much she could do, she was tied to a chair, with no phone. The chair was stuck to the ground, so she couldn't move the chair to get to her phone. There was nothing she could do except sit there and cry.

After about 10 minutes Mr.Jefferson walked in, "Rise and shine Rachel.". There was no point in acting tough, Mr.Jefferson walked in on her crying. "Why?" she asked.

"Why do this, or why you?"


"Well Rachel, I really like photography, especially taking portraits. I want to capture that moment of innocence. There are multiple reasons I picked you, you hold that hope and optimism, I like capturing those people. Also, I wanted to teach Nathan a lesson. You see your friend Nathan here thinks that he can just tell me to do something and I will listen, but when he tries to resist and push against me, I push back 10 times harder.".

Rachel knew there'd be no convincing Mr.Jefferson to let her go so she thought about other ways to get out of wherever she was. She realized that people would start to wonder where she was, Chloe, her dad, Frank, Rose and she was pretty popular at school so there would probably be people there who would notice she was gone. She had made plans to hang out with Chloe tomorrow, and they talked pretty much every day. Chloe will know Rachel is missing and do everything she can to help her. Rose and her dad would notice soon as well, Rachel had told Rose that she was going to go study with a friend. Frank would also notice in the next week as on average she went to his trailer about once a week.

Then Nathan walked in, Rachel could tell by his face he felt bad, but she also had a hard time caring. At this point she didn't care what he had been through, she trusted him even when she shouldn't have, even when he didn't deserve it. She gave him a betrayed look and waited for him to talk first, but instead he just gave her an apologetic look.

After about a half-hour Mr.Jefferson left, saying he'd be back in an hour. After Rachel heard multiple doors close she said: "Let me go."

"I can't." Nathan replied.

"You can't, or you won't."

"I can't, you think I want this."

"You think I want this. I knew it, I knew I shouldn't have trusted you. I trusted you through everything, I trusted you when I didn't want to, I trusted you after hearing Chloe tell me a million times not to and I trusted you even when you didn't deserve it."

"You're right, but look you have the answers now."

"What answers, I don't know where I am, I don't know how long I've been here and I don't know how to get out of here."

"You know about the barn, you're in the room under the barn and you know exactly what Mr.Jefferson's up to."

"Is this TDR."

"Yes Rachel. Welcome to The Dark Room."

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