The Start of Something New

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As the weeks went by it got closer and closer to summertime, when they were about a month and a half away from school ending Mr.Jefferson offered a summertime photography program. After class when Mr.Jefferson asked Rachel if she would sign up for it she said: "I don't think so, I'm not going to be doing photography next year anyway.".

Mr.Jefferson didn't like that, he said: "Actually Rachel I talked to Principal Wells and said you were excelling in photography and it would be nice to see you go through with it for the rest of high school, so you will be taking photography next year."

"But I thought we as the students get the choice of the elective. You know, since it's our future."

"That is the case most of the time, but for this specific time it is mandatory you take photography, but don't worry I'm also making Kate take it, and many students in this class now are taking it again next year."

"But that's not fair, you can't decide what elective I take."

"Life isn't fair Rachel."

At the end of the day, Rachel told Chloe all about how she wasn't allowed to quit photography. "That isn't fair," Chloe said after Rachel was done talking.

"Life isn't fair Chloe." Rachel said doing a pretty good impression of Mr.Jefferson.

"Well, at least that is something else we can put on our evidence board, because it's kinda creepy that he won't let you choose your own elective," Chloe said

"True." Rachel responded.

"We could try talking to Frank again to find out what their fight was about." Rachel said. "Rachel I don't think that will work, you know what happened last time."

"Ya you're right, I just really want to know what the fight was about, I think it would help our evidence board."

"Maybe there is something about it in Mr.Jefferson's classroom, we just need to find a way to get in there and look everywhere."

"Ya, but how are we going to get in there?"

"I don't know we will have to figure something out."

Rachel had a different idea, she thought maybe if she went to Frank on her own, maybe if she got him to trust her. For some reason, she felt like it was something she should do without Chloe.

Around 8:00 pm Rachel left Chloe's house, instead of going home, she went to Frank's trailer. When Rachel was standing outside Frank's trailer she felt like knocking on this door would affect many things down the road. Rachel knocked on the door.

"What do you want?" Frank said when he saw Rachel, "And where's your partner in crime?"

"Chloe, she's not here."

"Did something happen, why isn't she here?"

"I don't know, I just wanted to talk to you, can I come in?"

"Sure." Frank said.

When Rachel walked in she saw a sleeping Pompidou, "Aww what's his name?" Rachel asked. "Pompidou." Frank replied. Rachel started to pet Pompidou and he woke up immediately, and started licking Rachel on the face. "He likes you." Frank said. "Rachel why are you here?". Rachel knew she couldn't cut to the chase, she had to gain Frank's trust before asking about the fight between him and Jefferson. "I don't know, my dad and Rose are working late and I didn't want to be home alone." which was partly true Rachel didn't mind being home alone. "So am I your babysitter now?"

"No, I just wa-"

"It's fine you can stay." Frank said cutting Rachel off.

After 10 minutes of Rachel silently petting Pompidou Rachel knew she needed to actually say something if she wanted Frank to trust her. "So I saw you at the Firewalk concert months ago. They're pretty good."

"You know what else happened at the Firewalk concert, you and Chloe ticked off Damon."

"Why did you do it?" Rachel asked

"Do what?"

"You saved Chloe and I from Damon, why?"

"Because I know you and Chloe, and I know Damon.". Rachel wasn't sure what that meant but didn't ask.

"So tell me about yourself Frank."

"What do you want me to tell you?"


"I grew up in a religious family, my dad went to jail, I used to bet on dogfight matches. I don't do that anymore though." Frank wasn't sure why he was telling Rachel all this but had a feeling she wouldn't tell anyone. "Did you grow up in Arcadia Bae?"

"Ya, I used to go to Blackwell."

"Cool." Rachel said.

After a few hours of Rachel playing with Pompidou and talking to Frank, Rachel said: "I should probably head home."

"Ok, bye Rachel."

"Bye Frank." Rachel wasn't sure why but she had enjoyed talking to Frank, and Pompidou was adorable.

As soon as Rachel left Frank felt lonely, he wasn't sure why because he had felt fine before Rachel came. He looked over at Pompidou to see he was crying at the door.

That night when Rachel was lying in bed she decided she would go hang out with Frank more often, once he let his guard down he was a pretty decent guy. Rachel also thought about telling Chloe but decided that she wouldn't, it wasn't like she was betraying Chloe.

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