Rachel's Plan

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 Right before Rachel opened the door to her house she said: " take my sweater and cover your shirt with it so our parents don't ask about what happened." Chloe had done a fairly good job of fixing Rachel's makeup, you could barely tell she had been crying.

"I get to wear the iconic plaid red Rachel sweater"

"Yes, it's Rachel cosplay."

"Then I think it's only fair if you do some Chloe cosplay," Chloe said taking off her black beanie and putting it on Rachel's head.

Rachel opened the door to see her dad drinking more Sherry. "Do you think he knows, he drinks when he is upset," Rachel whispered nervously.

"I don't think he knows considering he is completely ignoring us," Chloe whispered back.

"Hi, Dad,"

"Hi Rachel, do you want some lunch, your mother cooked some steak." Chloe noticed how Rachel's dad didn't invite her to stay for lunch, which kinda flattered Chloe.

"I'm gonna go now, I'm sure I have already taken too long and I still have to get home. Bye Rachel"

"Bye Chloe."

When Chloe got home Joyce and David were there waiting, "I can explain," Chloe said knowing she would have to come out to explain. "You better explain young lady." David said, "I take that back I'm not explaining myself to that." Chloe said pointing at David.

"Will you explain to me?" Joyce asked.

"Ya, I actually like you."

Joyce took Chloe upstairs and into Joyce's room. "So I have to start from the day I skipped school with Rachel."

"Ok," Joyce said realizing this is going to be more than why it took Chloe so long to drop off Rachel. "Well um" Chloe paused "I um" Chloe paused again, "I thought, I mean think Rachel is pretty. So I um", then Chloe realized she had to go with the story that got her expelled from school and said " I wanted to hang out with Rachel so I asked her to ditch with me. There was something there, then in the play, we both went off script, together." Joyce was catching on to what Chloe was saying "Then after the play we um kissed. So what I'm trying to do is tell you I'm gay, I like Rachel." Chloe said.

"You don't look surprised," Chloe said.

"Chloe I'm going to tell you something and I don't want you to be upset." This made Chloe nervous, what was she going to say. "I knew that you were gay, your dad told me the day before he died. When I saw you with Rachel and how you went from never hanging out with her to with her 27. I wanted to ask you, but I wanted you to be the one to tell me when you were ready, and I'm really glad you did tell me."

"Oh so you knew this whole time, I can't tell if that makes things better or worse."

"Chloe I'm really sorry, I wanted you to have me know when you were ready."

"No it's fine," Suddenly Chloe's face changed to horror "wait you didn't tell David right?" Joyce laughed

"No I didn't tell him, but I think you should." Chloe just had to look at Joyce for her to know that Chloe wasn't telling him. "So you're not upset that I knew."

"No, I guess it makes things easier." The two hugged.

"Wait that doesn't explain why it took you so long to walk Rachel home."

"Oh ya, Rachel and I were" Chloe paused, it still felt weird that she was about to tell her mom she was kissing Rachel "kissing, and this lady came up and was telling us how what we were doing was sinful. I told her off, but then she ended up being Rachel's neighbour and she was really upset so we sat there for a while.". "Also Rachel isn't out to her parents so don't say anything to them." Joyce nodded and said

"Of course." 

After Chloe left Rachel went up to her bathroom and practiced coming out in the mirror. "So dad, you know how I've been hanging out with Chloe a lot recently, ya she's my girlfriend. No no, I could say something like hey you know how when I was four you told me not to be gay, well surprise. No, I can't say that what about I'm sorry dad but, no I won't apologize for being me. I could try so I don't know if you heard from the neighbours but I'm gay. Fuck I can't do this."

After ten minutes of Rachel laying in her bed thinking about what to do when she had an idea. She didn't need her dad, she would just try again to find her mom, but that meant she would have to find Frank because he knew her mother. She knew she couldn't tell Chloe since at the junkyard she had been the one to stop Frank from telling her about something, Chloe wouldn't like the talk to Frank's plan.

Rachel walked downstairs "I'm going out dad"

"Ok" Rachel wasn't sure why her dad wanted her home so early if he didn't care if she left again. Rachel got to the one place she knew to find Frank, the junkyard. Then she saw it, Frank's trailer.

She knocked on the door, and Frank opened it obviously not expecting Rachel. "What, am I your fucking babysitter."

"No, I just wanted to ask you something." Frank looked at Rachel waiting for her to go on.

"Do you know my mother?" Frank paused thinking about how much to tell Rachel.

"Does Chloe know you're here?"

"Chloe doesn't need to know everything, besides I asked you first. Do. You. Know. My. Mother."

"I do"

"Where is she?"

"I can't tell you that, goodbye Rachel."

Frank said and closed his trailer door. Rachel banged on the door but there was no point, Frank had locked the door. After five minutes of banging, Rachel gave up and walked back home, but Rachel wasn't giving up. Rachel knew Frank knew where her mother was. 

As Rachel was walking back she thought maybe the reason she wanted to find her mother all of the sudden was because she was jealous of Chloe and her relationship with her mother. 

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