She's Missing

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 Chloe had been starting to think that Rachel was avoiding her, most of the week she had told Chloe not to pick her up from school. Chloe was trying to be chill about it, she had hoped that Rachel would come to her if something was wrong, but standing Chloe up was too far. If she didn't want to hang out with her she should have just said so, it was Sunday and Chloe and Rachel were supposed to hang out. Chloe waited at the junkyard for an hour before she left.

Chloe called Rachel only to once again get her voice mail, so she got in her truck and angrily drove to Rachel's house.

Chloe knocked on the door and Rose answered, "Hi Chloe?" she said, obviously wondering why Chloe was at her door. "Can I talk to Rachel?"

"She's not with you. Oh-" Rose paused, turned around and yelled, "you see James, I told you she wasn't just being dramatic. We need to call the police, we have to find her.". Then Rose turned back to Chloe and said: "He was convinced that she was with you, he thought that she was just angry with him for taking away her phone. We haven't seen her since yesterday morning.".

Now Chloe felt like a huge jerk, she had thought that Rachel had stood her up today, but really she was missing. Who knows what kind of trouble she could be in. Then Chloe realized that getting more upset would only make things worse, she tried to think logically about Rachel and where she would go. She didn't want to jump to conclusions and get all worried for nothing. The first thing that came to mind was Sera, that would make sense, maybe she somehow found her mom. Which led Chloe to realize that if Rachel found Sera, Sear probably told her about what her dad did, and probably told her that Chloe lied to her. Which would explain why she has been telling Chloe not to pick her up from school and why she stood her up. "Ok, well I'm going to start looking in places that Rachel usually goes to." Chloe said to Rose, then got back in her truck and drove off.

Chloe drove into some random parking lot and called Sera. "Hello." she heard Sera say. "Hi, this is Chloe."

"Rachel's Chloe?" Sera asked, which made Chloe realize she probably knew more than one Chloe. "Yes." Chloe responded.

"Is everything ok?"

"Actually I was just calling to ask you if you've seen Rachel recently."

"I haven't seen her since she was a baby, you know this. Why, is she missing?". Shit, Chloe thought, there is a chance that Rachel is fine and now she has worried her mother potentially for no reason. "Well, I haven't seen her in a few days, Rose and James are saying they haven't seen her since yesterday, but she's probably at a friend's house or something." Chloe said.

"Ok, well call me when you find her."

"I will.".

Chloe tried to remain calm and think of other places Rachel would be, she was pretty sure that Rachel isn't at a friend's house. Chloe thought for another few seconds until her mind landed on Mr.Jefferson. Chloe thought about it, about what Rachel had told her at the junkyard around a week ago, how she was getting this bad feeling in her gut whenever Nathan was around.

Chloe needed to think of a plan, her and Nathan didn't like each other so there was no way he would tell her anything. Her next thought was blackmail. She knew he had done some bad things, and she could definitely get him in trouble. She started to think of what she could tell people while thinking about how to keep Rachel safe. If she ratted Mr.Jefferson out he might kill Rachel assuming she's still alive part of her brain thought.

No, Chloe has to believe that Rachel is alive, she needs Rachel, what would she do without her. They had been through so much together, Rachel had been there when nobody else was. Rachel had been there after Max stopped talking to her, Rachel cared for Chloe, Rachel protected Chloe. Chloe needed Rachel to be alive.

Chloe went back to her thought about blackmail, she could blackmail Nathan for the drugs he is selling. Chloe still knew people from Blackwell, and she knew they bought their stuff from Nathan. She could use that, it won't get him in too much trouble, it won't get Mr.Jefferson in trouble, which will keep Rachel safer, but it will probably get Nathan to talk.

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