Nathan Prescott

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To Chloe and Rachel's surprise, the summer was flying by so fast, and it was already August. When Chloe and Rachel got to Blackwell Chloe went to hide behind the classroom window, and 5 minutes later Rachel walked into Mr.Jefferson's class. Once everyone was there Mr.Jefferson started to teach everyone about forced perspective.

Once again as Rachel and Kate were leaving Mr.Jefferson made sure Nathan joined them. Though through the program Kate and Rachel started to see a different side of Nathan. He was starting to be nicer to them and they were all starting to get along. Nathan even stood up for Kate to Victoria which took Rachel and Kate by surprise.

Rachel also discovered that she and Nathan had something in common, they both had issues with their dad. Rachel had fewer problems with her dad now then she did before, but Nathan had many issues with his dad. Nathan never wanted to talk about his issues with his dad, but Rachel and Kate overheard phone calls of Nathan's dad yelling at him, they weren't trying to eavesdrop but Nathan's dad would sometimes yell so loud it sounded like he was on speakerphone.

Though they had gotten closer with Nathan things weren't perfect, he tended to take out everything on them, after a phone call with his dad Nathan would be really angry and it would take 15 minutes of not talking to him before he calmed down. One time Nathan forgot to bring his lunch and Nathan's dad yelled at him for 20 minutes. Rachel felt really bad for Nathan, she had it bad with her dad, but she had Chloe, and most of the time her dad's way of being mad at her was not talking to her, which was probably better than being yelled at 24/7.

Once everyone left the classroom Chloe wasn't sure what Mr.Jefferson was going to do. Recently he had been making a lot of phone calls to Sean Prescott about building the project room thing for Nathan. The thought had occurred to Chloe and Rachel that what if it was a trap for Nathan, but Mr.Jefferson wasn't stupid enough to tell Sean Prescott about it and make him pay for it, that would be the first place people would look.

Mr.Jefferson started to google about really expensive cameras, and looked into installing combination locks. Chloe knew that Mr.Jefferson had chosen where he wanted to build TDR but she didn't know which barn he picked. Mr.Jefferson looked at a bunch of barns and all of a sudden he was building it but he never said where he would build TDR. Chloe and Rachel had also not figured out what TDR stood for, they were pretty sure that the R didn't stand for Rachel and actually stood for room. It made sense since the blueprints only had 1 room, which meant they just had to figure out what the T and D stood for.

A few hours after that everyone came into the classroom for lunch. Mr.Jefferson looked over everyone's photos, and sent them back out to make the corrections.

Rachel Kate and Nathan were taking pictures when Nathan's phone started to ring, when Nathan looked to see who it was it was his dad. "One sec guys I better answer this because if I don't I'll pay for it later.". Nathan walked a fair distance away to answer his phone but Rachel and Kate could still hear his dad yelling.

"Oh Nathan did you fuck up today!"

"What did I do now?"

"Are you giving me an attitude?!"

"No, I just don't know why you are yelling at me so loud that everyone in a 2-mile radius can hear you."

"Take me off speakerphone!"

"You're not on speakerphone."

"Well if you weren't such a fuck up I wouldn't be calling right now!"

"I'm sorry, can you at least tell me what I did?"

"I was looking at your schedule for the school year and you are only taking 2 AP classes, I wanted you to take every AP class you could!"

"Dad 2 AP classes is better than none, and besides it would be too stressful to take every AP class."

"Do you think I care if it's stressful for you, if you want to get into Harvard you have to take as many AP classes as you can!"

"I don't even want to go to Harvard."

"Nathan, you listen to me, you will take every AP class, you will apply to Harvard, you will get in, and you will go there! Now I have to call principal Wells, during summer, and get him to change your classes!", then Nathan's dad hung up.

"Poor Nathan." Kate whispered to Rachel so Nathan couldn't hear.

"I know." Rachel whispered back. When Nathan walked back over to them Kate gave him a hug, "I read somewhere that you need 4 hugs a day."

"Kate I'm really not in the mood."

"Sorry." Kate said.

At 4:10 Chloe and Rachel met at their meeting spot and got in Chloe's truck. "Did you hear Nathan's dad yelling at him today, he was practically standing right next to me, you thought it was loud from where you were, my ears still hurt." Chloe said. Rachel thought back to where Nathan was standing and realized he was pretty close to Mr.Jefferson's classroom. "Chloe you're lucky he didn't see you."

"Is it luck, or is it my sneaky ninja skills." Chloe said, and Rachel rolled her eyes.

"I feel kinda bad for Nathan."

"To me, that seems like a Nathan problem."

"Ya but recently he has been nicer to Kate and I, did you see him stand up for Kate to Victoria?"

"I did, I was surprised actually, Rachel I think you should be careful around Nathan, he can be nice one second, and a minute later stab you in the back.".

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