Meeting Frank

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Saturday morning when Rachel woke up she looked at her phone to see a text from Chloe.

Chloe: David thinks it would be a great idea for us all to go to an art museum as a family. Trust me I've tried to get out of it but I can't. So we can't hang out today.

Rachel: Sounds very fun, I'll see you tomorrow then.

Both Rose and James had plans for the day, and Rachel didn't really want to hang out with them anyway. Rachel was going to call Kate but then she remembered Kate told her she was going away for the weekend. Rachel thought about calling Nathan, but thought that would be weird so she didn't. Then Rachel realized it had been a while since Rachel went to go visit Frank, and she had nothing else to do so she got ready to go visit Frank.

When Frank opened his trailer door to see Rachel he didn't seem mad about it. "It's been a while since I've seen you." Frank said.

"Ya, it was a pretty busy summer." Rachel replied.

"Really, what did you do?". Rachel realized she shouldn't have said that because she was pretty sure Frank would get mad if she brought up Mr.Jefferson, and she needed Frank to trust her enough to not get mad so she said "I had this program thing.".

"That's a fun way to spend your summer, wasting it doing academic stuff."

All of a sudden Pompidou woke up from his nap and ran up to Rachel, "He missed you. I don't think he's ever been that excited to see me." said Frank.

"So what brings you here?" Frank asked.

"Pompidou." Rachel joked.

Meanwhile, Chloe was not having a good time, it was an hour-long drive to get to the art museum and the whole ride David wouldn't shut up. To make it worse after David was done talking Joyce would ask him something, and he would go into detail answering Joyce's question.

Once they got there David would want to spend 10 minutes looking at each painting, Chloe could tell even Joyce was beginning to get bored.

Meanwhile, Rachel was actually enjoying the time she was spending with Frank, once he let his guard down he was a nice guy. "So tell me, who else do you know from Blackwell?"

"If you mean who else comes and hangs out in my trailer it's just you." Rachel laughed and said: "No I mean who do you sell drugs to?"


"I'm curious. Is there any chance you know Nathan Prescott?" Rachel wasn't sure why she was asking this but she realized she was actually pretty curious if Frank knew Nathan. "I've sold some stuff to him once or twice, not much though, and of course I know Nathan Prescott, everyone knows his dad which means they usually know Nathan."

Meanwhile, a few hours had passed and they were still at the art museum, Chloe wasn't sure how David could stay interested in this for so long. Chloe and Joyce had decided to get something to eat. They took their time eating and David still wanted to stay longer.

Rachel wanted to ask Frank more about Nathan, she trusted Nathan but Chloe was right, if Mr.Jefferson could get Nathan on his side it wouldn't be too hard for Nathan to get Kate and Rachel to fall into his trap as well.

After what felt like hours later David was finally ready to leave, and the whole hour-long car ride back he talked about which paintings were his favourite and how he thinks they should go back there more often. Chloe had to disagree with him there, she never wanted to go back there again, especially with David. Chloe had no interest in listening to David for an hour so she texted Rachel.

Chloe: I'm so done with David, I'll be at your house in an hour

When Rachel finally checked her phone she saw the text from Chloe. Chloe: I'm so done with David, I'll be at your house in an hour. She looked at the time it was sent and realized she had 15 minutes to get back to her house. "I have to go. I have to meet Chloe somewhere." Rachel told Frank.

"Ok, feel free to come back any time." Frank replied.

Rachel: Ok see you there, Rachel replied, and ran as fast as she could. Luckily she got to her house before Chloe. Two minutes later Chloe opened the door. "Hi, David literally would not leave the art museum, we were there forever, he spent 10 minutes looking at each painting."

"That sounds like a really fun day." Rachel replied sarcastically. Rachel was surprised at how quickly she could switch gears. She had a great day with Frank and was now hanging out with Chloe like that never happened.

I hope you are enjoying this fanfic so far. I just wanted to say that I will only be updating this twice a week instead of 3 times a week. I'm going to be updating Mondays and Friday. Thanks for reading. 

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