Welcome to the dark room

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 Two weeks had passed, and the room under the barn was finished, Nathan was supposed to go there after school, he was going to be alone with Mr.Jefferson for the first time. Nathan couldn't think of an excuse to not go, he knew if he pretended to be sick his dad wouldn't care, and he knew if he just didn't show up he would be in a world of trouble. To top it all off Mr.Jefferson was supposed to drive Nathan there after school.

The whole day at school Nathan couldn't focus on anything except for how scared he was. When Victoria asked him why he looked so tense he said he had a lot of big tests coming up, though he was a terrible liar so he wasn't sure if she actually believed him.

Once school was over Nathan got in Mr.Jefferson's car and they drove to the barn. It was a very silent car ride, Nathan was actually surprised that Mr.Jefferson wasn't giving him more orders. It was the perfect place to do it, there was no camera in his car, and it would be easy to hide any evidence since it was his own car.

Once they got there and went into the room Mr.Jefferson said dramatically: "Nathan, welcome to the dark room.". That's not at all a scary name Nathan thought to himself.

"Nathan I want to tell you a few basic things, first at school if I need to refer to this place I will call it TDR, it stands for the dark room. Second, you can't tell anybody about this, and what we do down here."

"So we aren't just taking pictures." Nathan said, he always knew they would be doing more than taking pictures, but there was that tiny bit of hope in his head that he was making it something bigger than it actually was. "Oh yes, I haven't told you what we are doing down here yet."

Mr.Jefferson grabbed a big red binder that said PRETTY GIRLS on the front. "I want you to look through this and tell me who you think is the prettiest. Nathan opened the binder to see a bunch of girls around his age. "Mr.Jefferson." Nathan said quietly. "Yes."

"I think it's a little inappropriate for you to write pretty girls on the front of the binder since they are all around my age and you are a fully grown adult."

"Nathan, that is why you are not to tell anybody about this, do you remember what happened the last time you disobeyed me? Your eye paid for it.".

"I'm sorry." Nathan said not sorry at all just terrified of Mr.Jefferson.

Nathan understood why Mr.Jefferson didn't want him to tell anyone about this, but he had a feeling there was more he didn't know. Mr.Jefferson said he wasn't supposed to tell anyone what they did down in TDR meaning Nathan was probably going to have to do some bad things. "Nathan hurry up and at least show me one girl in there that you think is attractive.". Nathan pointed at some random girl with long red hair and green eyes. Mr.Jefferson looked at the girl he was pointing at and said "I always thought you were into blondes, I mean with Victoria and Rachel."

"We're just friends."

"I'm just saying I usually see you hanging out with blondes."

"Anyway ya Lily is cute.". Nathan couldn't believe Mr.Jefferson just said that, first of all Lily looked like she was 17, and second of all did Mr.Jefferson know this girl personally? "How do you know her name?" Nathan asked.

"She's this model I used to know."


"Anyway Nathan, what we are going to work on is photographing people."

"Like we did in class last year?"

"A little bit different then last year."

"Different how?" Nathan said, getting worried.

"Well, last year if I remember correctly you photographed your friend Jason, he's not an attractive girl."

"So I'm taking pictures of girls." Nathan said, worried about where this was going.

"Attractive ones.". Nathan never wanted to come back to TDR again, it just kept getting worse and worse, at this point he would gladly let his dad slap him in the face if it meant he never had to come to TDR again.

"We can start tomorrow." Mr.Jefferson said.

"Start doing what?"

"I'll call Lily and see if she can come so you can practice.". Nathan noticed a cart with whatever drug he had bought from Frank a few months ago, along with some pills and needles. Man it really does just keep getting worse and worse Nathan thought to himself. When Mr.Jefferson saw Nathan looking at it he said "Oh, that's for the incopertive ones.". Did he just say ones, plural Nathan thought.

The next hour was Mr.Jefferson showing Nathan how to use all the cameras and where everything was. "Your dad will be here in 5 minutes Nathan." Mr.Jefferson said looking at his phone. "Let me remind you that if you tell anyone about this you're dead.". Nathan wasn't sure if Mr.Jefferson was just saying that or if he was actually planning on following through, but after everything he saw in TDR he wouldn't be surprised if Mr.Jefferson was serious.

That night at dinner Nathan's dad asked "So how was it Nathan?"

"I don't think it was for me, I don't want to do it every day." Nathan said. Technically Mr.Jefferson told him not to tell anyone about what happened, but he didn't say anything about not telling his dad he didn't like it. Though Nathan realized it was a big mistake when his dad started to yell at him "NATHAN PRESCOTT, I PAID SO MUCH MONEY FOR THAT, FOR YOU, AND YOU JUST DON'T WANT TO GO! DO YOU EVEN CARE THAT I PROVIDE A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD, AN EDUCATION! THIS WILL GET YOU INTO SO MANY UNIVERSITIES!" Nathan's dad took off his belt and started hitting Nathan across the back.

Sorry if there were some spelling or grammatical errors in this chapter, Wattpad kept glitching while I was editing this chapter. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed.

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