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 Chloe and Rachel spent all of Tuesday morning trying to piece together everything that happened on Monday. The only thing they didn't know was what TDR stood for, some of the things they came up with are, That Dam Rachel, Today Definitely Rachel, and Tomorrow Definitely Rachel. Though they were pretty sure that none of those were what TDR actually stood for.

They spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies, and moving all of David's stuff to different places.

The next morning Chloe and Rachel did the exact same thing as Monday, they woke up, ate breakfast, drove to Blackwell, Chloe got out of the car and hid behind the classroom window, and 5 minutes later Rachel walked into the school.

This time when Rachel walked into the classroom Kate was there, and Rachel went and took a seat next to Kate. Rachel looked to see that once again the security camera was turned off. Five minutes later Mr.Jefferson started to teach everyone about perspective and how it's important, he then told everyone to go and take pictures.

After everyone left Mr.Jefferson locked his classroom door, Chloe expected Mr.Jefferson to open the TDR blueprints but he didn't. He googled warehouses, Chloe wasn't sure why he would spend a whole day looking at blueprints if he was just going to buy a warehouse, and what did he need to hide in his warehouse? But then 20 minutes later he started to look at farms for sale, that made Chloe really confused because how do you look at one room blueprints one day and the next consider buying a farm? Then after that, he googled barns Mr.Jefferson is incredibly indecisive, first, he wanted a warehouse, then he wanted a farm, and now he doesn't want the whole farm he just wants a barn Chloe thought.

After googling about different barns for 2 hours he went back to the TDR blueprints, Chloe wasn't sure if he gave up on whatever he wanted to do with a barn or if the 2 were connected.

After a while Rachel and Kate went back to the classroom to eat lunch, when Kate tried to open the door it was locked. "He didn't do this yesterday." Kate said, sounding confused. Rachel wasn't surprised, it was his way of making sure nobody knew what he was up to. Kate knocked on the door, Mr.Jefferson looked up and went to open the door, "Sorry I was grading something from another student, and that stuff is confidential." Mr.Jefferson lied. Rachel wanted to laugh at how bad his lie was, she considered calling him out on it but thought it would be better if he didn't know she was onto him. When Rachel looked over at Kate, Kate either didn't care that he lied to them or didn't notice.

Right as Nathan walked in the classroom Mr.Jefferson motioned for Nathan to follow him, Mr.Jefferson then said: "Nathan remember when I told you I would give you good grades if you did some things for me, well if you want that to carry on into next year you will do something for me now; I need you to hang out with Rachel and Kate."

"Why?" Nathan asked, when Mr.Jefferson said he needed him to do things for him he thought it would be something like help him sort through something, or help him carry things to other classes, not hang out with people he never talks to. "Nathan, this is a need to know basis kind of thing, and you don't need to know why I want you to do this.".

Right as Kate and Rachel were about to go fix everything about their photos Mr.Jefferson told them to fix Mr.Jefferson said: "Kate, Rachel, Nathan is going to join your group.".

"Ok." Kate said.

"Sure." Rachel said.

When they got outside Rachel said: "Nathan did you get lonely, did you have nobody to hang out with, and Mr.Jefferson decided to put you with us."

"No, I would rather hang out with anyone but you." Mr.Jefferson said to hang out with Kate and Rachel, he never said anything about being nice to them.

"Why did Mr.Jefferson make you join our group then?" Kate asked, genuinely curious.

"I have no idea, probably because he thinks your photography skills are so bad that you need my help." Nathan responded.

"Or maybe he thinks your photography skills are so bad that you need our help." Rachel said.

Chloe wasn't sure what Mr.Jefferson was talking to Nathan about and why he made Rachel and Kate be in a group with him, but she was hoping he would reveal that when everybody left. He didn't, he just looked at more blueprints for one room, and researched about a ton of barns close-ish to Arcadia Bae. The barns varied from 4 hours away to 20 minutes away.

At 4:10 Chloe and Rachel met at their meeting spot, and finished walking to Chloe's truck. "Any idea why Mr.Jefferson made Nathan join our group?"

"No but he has taken an interest in barns, first he googled warehouses, then farms and then barns."

"I thought we had this kinda figured out but now we have to worry about Nathan, he said he had no idea why Mr.Jefferson put him in our group, but he was probably lying which means he must be in on Mr.Jefferson's plan."

"I don't know, Mr.Jefferson is really creepy, I don't think Nathan would stoop that low."

"Nathan Prescott would probably resort to killing someone to get what he wanted." 

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