The Argument

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I'm staying at Rachel's tonight Chloe texted her mom. Twenty seconds later Joyce replied with Ok you two have fun, but not too much fun. Chloe wrote back MOM. Chloe and Rachel talked for 3 hours after being told by Rose to go to sleep.

A half-hour after Chloe fell asleep Rachel still couldn't sleep, she heard arguing in her parent's room. She quietly crawled out of bed and walked to her parent's room, she put her ear to the door and heard Rose's voice "You want to know why I'm upset with you James."

"Yes, for the past 2 weeks you have barely talked to me."

"What happened 2 weeks ago, James."

"I got promoted?"

"Ya, I'm mad at you because you are earning even more money," Rose said in a sarcastic tone. "Please just tell me why you're mad at me, do you want new shoes, a new bag?"

"This is what's so frustrating, you always try to buy away your problems, you're doing it with me, and I've noticed now you're doing it with Rachel."

"I'm trying to make up for whatever I did."

"I know you grew up with more money then you knew what to do with but buying away your problems doesn't fix them. Look what happened with Sera."

"I wasn't buying away that problem I was facing it head-on."

"You've been giving her money to stay away."

"That was the only way I could keep her away."

"Well then maybe you should have done something different, maybe you should have let her meet Rachel. You would have won any court case if something went wrong."

"So this is why you're mad at me."

"No James I'm mad at you because you don't tell me anything. I had no idea you were going behind my back hitting Rachel, locking her in her room without food."

"That's because she's my daughter, and I can discipline her whenever and however I want, and I apologized to her for that, she's over it." Rachel wasn't over it. She could still remember every painful second of her dad's hand hitting her face, the bruises it left, how even that one minute of her life she could never forget, and how it made her see her dad differently.

"I don't know if you've noticed but Rachel's a pretty good actor, I don't think she's over it. Also, I thought you said in every way that mattered I was her mother. Now she's your daughter and you can discipline her whenever and however you want. I'm done with letting you walk all over me."

"I'm not walking all over you."

"You tell me nothing, I cook for you, I clean for you, I do everything for you and you say you don't walk all over me. You know what clean your own fucking dishes, do your own fucking laundry and grow the fuck up."

"Rose, where are you going." Rachel went to go back to her room but she was too late, Rase had already opened the door and seen her.

"Rachel," her dad said, "I can explain."

"She's right."

"What?" James asked

"You try to buy off your problems, she cleans everyone's dishes, she does everyone's laundry and most of all, you should have let me meet my mom."

Rachel ran downstairs, opened the front door and left, she kept running, she didn't know where she was going but she just kept running. Forty-five minutes later she ended up at the junkyard. Her feet were cold, really cold, she looked down and realized she hadn't put shoes on. She went into the little hut she was in with Chloe, lay down on the ground and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Chloe woke up, but she was at the movie theatre and her dad was there. Chloe hated these dreams, it was like her dad was there, but he wasn't. Even though she hated them, she enjoyed seeing her dad. "Hi Chloe"

"Hi, dad."

"Things are going well with you and Rachel huh."

"Yes, why?" Chloe felt something coming. All of a sudden they were back in Rachel's room, but Rachel wasn't in the bed. "Where is she?" Chloe asked her dad.

"Follow me." Chloe followed her dad to the door of James and Rose's room, she saw Rachel listening at the door.

Then James came out and said, "Rachel, I can explain.".

"She's right." Rachel said.

"Who's right? About what?" Chloe asked Rachel, after Rachel didn't respond she asked her dad "Listen." William said.

"What?" James asked

"You try to buy off your problems, she cleans everyone's dishes, she does everyone's laundry and most of all, you should have let me meet my mom." Then Rachel ran down the stairs, Chloe followed her, Rachel ran out the door, Chloe tried to follow her but her dad was in the way. "You can't follow her,"

"Why not, she needs me" then Chloe woke up. Rachel wasn't in the bed, Chloe checked the time it was 3:25 am.

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