First few Weeks

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The first few weeks of school had been average, Rachel was still being forced to take photography, but she was forced to do it last year and she was fine so this year probably won't be any different. Nathan had seemed fine, near the end of the summer Rachel had realized she hadn't heard from him all summer, but he seemed ok so she just assumed he was busy.

Ever since the summer Rachel had become more relaxed when it came to Mr.Jefferson being creepy. He hadn't done anything to her yet, and he had been at the school for 2 years, if he was going to do something he probably would have done it already.


Kate had had a great summer, she spent it hanging out with her family and friends. Though she hadn't really talked to her friends from school. She was really good friends with a lot of her neighbours, and spent the whole summer going to beaches and having sleepovers at each other's houses.

Though for some reason when Kate got back to school she had this terrible gut feeling. She couldn't explain it, but whenever she was at school she felt really unsafe. Kate thought about telling principal Wells this but there were 2 things stopping her. The first thing was what if she was wrong, what if everything was fine, principal Wells would probably be annoyed with her and she didn't want that. The second reason was she didn't think principal Wells would care. If she didn't have a reason for feeling unsafe he would probably just brush it off, and tell her she was just nervous because it was the beginning of the year. Kate thought about telling this to Rachel and Nathan but she didn't think they would understand. So Kate continued on, not saying anything and just hoping that the feeling would go away.


Nathan could tell everything was about to fall apart. Mr.Jefferson was very set on drugging Kate. In the past, Nathan had been able to stop Mr.Jefferson from doing anything, but this time was different, Mr.Jefferson didn't want to wait any longer.

Nathan had also figured out how Mr.Jefferson was going to get him to drug Kate. Mr.Jefferson knew a lot of girls from ages 14-19, he had many photos he could use against them, therefore he could get them to do anything he said. Mr.Jefferson had told Nathan that if he refused to hurt Kate Mr.Jefferson would call 20 of them and torture them instead, and if Nathan refused again Mr.Jefferson would do it again. The point Mr.Jefferson was trying to prove was that it is really worth it to hurt 20 people instead of just one. As much as Nathan cared about Kate, how many innocent lives could he risk for just one person, even if that person was Kate.

Nathan wished he had some sort of guidance, he had nobody to turn to, his dad sucked, he never talked to his mom, and the closest thing he had to a father figure was Mr.Jefferson.


When Rachel had first shown up at his trailer door Frank didn't think he would grow to care about her as much as he did. Obviously, it wasn't in a sexual way, Frank never did and never would have feelings for Rachel. It was just nice because Rachel was someone who would let him vent. Rachel had gotten to know him pretty well and he had gotten to know Rachel pretty well.

Frank was slightly concerned though that Mark Jefferson was her teacher. Frank and Mark had known each other for a while, and they didn't end on good terms. Frank knew Mr.Jefferson was bad, and he was someone everyone needed to stay away from, because once you get roped into his bullshit it's hard to get out.


Chloe had just assumed that everything was going ok at Blackwell, Rachel hadn't told her any new stories about Mr.Jefferson. Chloe didn't know how Nathan was doing in that room under the barn, but she didn't really care. Nathan's problems are Nathan's problems, she didn't need to worry about them, he definitely wasn't worried about Chloe's problems.

Though Chloe was a little worried about Rachel and Kate, Mr.Jefferson had been too creepy to not do anything. It had been about 2 years, and she and Rachel watched as he slowly got worse and worse, he had to be about to do something. He might have even done something to Kate at that Vortex Club party if Chloe and Rachel weren't there. Chloe knew Mr.Jefferson was going to do some bad stuff and she had a feeling it would happen soon.

Sorry this chapter wasn't the best, it was kinda supposed to be a transition chapter. Thank you for reading.

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