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 Nathan was dreading it, but he knew it would come eventually. The day when Mr.Jefferson would tell Nathan the plan on how they would Kidnap Rachel. Almost a month ago Mr.Jefferson had said they would kidnap Rachel in a month, and Nathan wasn't ready.

Another thing that made Nathan sick to think about was, that getting Mr.Jefferson to take Kate's video down had gone down on his priority list. Now all he was thinking about was a way to get Rachel out of this, but obviously he hadn't yet come up with any ideas. He remembered back to when the only thing he thought about was getting Mr.Jefferson to take that video down.

Then he realized how fucked up that was. When he looked back at the time when he was only worried about getting Kate's video taken down and thought of it as easier or not that bad he was terrible. Though it wasn't Nathan's fault, if it weren't for Mr.Jefferson Nathan's biggest problem would be school, not how he's going to protect his friends from their creepy teacher.


"What?" Nathan said, realizing he hadn't been listening to Mr.Jefferson for the past 5 minutes. "Did you listen to anything I said?"

"I was thinking about how to stop Chloe from being suspicious of us, you know for when we kidnap Rachel." Nathan said, realizing that could actually be a good plan, get Chloe to be suspicious of him and Mr.Jefferson. "Who's Chloe?" Mr.Jefferson asked. That's when Nathan realized, Mr.Jefferson has never met Chloe because she got expelled before he came to Blackwell. "Rachel's girlfriend." Nathan replied.

"Why would she be suspicious of us, she doesn't know me and you don't talk about her that much so I'm assuming you guys aren't close, so she probably won't think of you when looking for Rachel."

"Chloe knows you." Nathan responded.

"What do you mean?" Mr.Jefferson asked. Then Nathan wondered why he even said anything. If Mr.Jefferson didn't know that Chloe knew him it would be easier for Chloe to do something to help Rachel without Mr.Jefferson being suspicious of her. "She came to one of the Vortex club parties, she saw you there." Nathan said, trying to make Chloe sound as harmless as possible. "Ok, well she doesn't really know anything about me, so she would have no reason to suspect me." Mr.Jefferson concluded. Nathan knew Mr.Jefferson was very wrong. Chloe did in fact know a lot about him and knew he had something to do with drugging Kate and Kate's video, but Nathan wasn't about to tell him that.

"Well, since we have established that Chloe won't be a problem we should probably consider the other people that Rachel knows that would be suspicious of you. I don't think you will have to worry about Kate because she doesn't remember anything from that night. Is there anyone else?". Nathan thought about it, if there was someone else he wasn't going to tell Mr.Jefferson that, but maybe he could use it to his advantage. Unfortunately, there was nobody he could think of. "No, I don't think there is anyone that would suspect I had anything to do with it."

"Ok good, we don't have to worry about that."

"Now here's what I was thinking. You ask her to hang out again, make it somewhere kind of public but kind of private, that way she doesn't suspect anything. Somewhere like a quiet park, you can get ice cream, sit in the grass, then we can make our move."

"That kind of sounds like I'm asking her on a date."

"Well, you aren't."

"So I'll just be like hey Rachel want to go hang out at a park and then sit in the grass together while we eat ice cream? That kinda sounds like I'm asking her out."

"Ok, then ask her if she will come study with you at a park, then suggest a quieter one so that it will be easier to focus." Mr.Jefferson said, sounding annoyed.

"I guess that's better."

"Then when it looks like a good time I will pop out from the bushes or behind a tree or from my car and grab her. Whatever is close to you guys but still discrete."

"Ok." Nathan said, picturing Mr.Jefferson trying to hide behind a tree discreetly. They stood in silence, Mr.Jefferson looked at Nathan. "Are you going to call her?"

"Oh, ya." Nathan said, grabbing his phone and calling her.

"Put it on speaker." Mr.Jefferson said and Nathan obeyed, though he was pretty sure Rachel wasn't going to answer. When the phone stopped ringing Mr.Jefferson said in an annoyed tone: "She never answers her phone these days you'll have to ask her at school.".

The next day at school Nathan and Rachel had science class together. They sat at opposite sides of the room so Nathan couldn't ask her then, but he also wasn't in a rush to ask her. About 10 minutes before class ended the teacher said: "Ok class you guys will have your unit test next week, make sure to study it won't be an easy test.".

Well, that just gave Nathan an unwanted nudge into asking Rachel to meet at the park and study. As everyone was leaving class Nathan caught up to Rachel and started walking beside her. "Hi." Nathan said.

"Hey." Rache replied.

"So I kind of suck at Physics, and you seem really good at it," which was true "I was wondering if you could help me study one day. Maybe we could go to Graban Park and study for a few hours."

"What day."

"Whatever day works for you is good with me."

"You can do any day?" Rachel asked.


"Ok, how about Saturday."

"Sure, what time?"

"From 1-2 works for me."

"Ok, sure. Let's meet at Graban Park at 1 O'Clock on Saturday." Nathan said, and both he and Rachel went to their next class.

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