Missing William

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 Rachel was in her room doing homework when someone knocked on the door. "Come in," she said hoping Chloe had decided to ditch family game night and stay with her. Her dad walked in "Hi dad."

"Hi Rachel, I wanted to talk to you about earlier today." This made Rachel nervous, she was expecting him to say something like he didn't mean any of that, and how dare she call him out in front of Chloe but what he actually said was. "I wasn't sure if you believed me."

"Why, were you lying to me," Rachel asked.

"No, I was serious, I really am sorry for how I treated you for the past few weeks, I promise I'm going to be a better father from now on." Rachel believed him, she finally believed him. When he said he would try to be a better father it felt like an excuse, if he failed at it he could blame it on him saying he would try, but he said he would. He knew he would, which is what Rachel needed.

Meanwhile, Chloe was laying in her bed looking at photos of her and her parents. The more recent ones becoming just her and her mom, and then flipping back and looking at all the pictures all over again. After a while of doing this, she went to go check her phone, she had one text from Rachel Chloe you were right my dad was telling the truth. He promised me he would do better, not just try, he said he would actually do it. Chloe was happy for Rachel, but this was a terrible time for her to read this text. Any other time Chloe would have been calling Rachel right away and probably gone over to her house, but Chloe just wanted to be alone so she replied with Great.

Meanwhile, Rachel had been waiting for Chloe to respond, she was waiting for her phone to start ringing and see Chloe's name. Rachel wasn't sure why it was taking Chloe so long to reply, Chloe was usually pretty good about answering her phone, she thought about writing something else but decided not to.

Two hours later Rachel heard her phone ding, she saw the text from Chloe saying Great, Chloe wasn't calling her, and it didn't say she was typing. Rachel decided to call Chloe.

Chloe's phone started ringing, Chloe didn't want to not answer it, but she didn't really want to talk to anyone either. After 2 rings she answered, "Chloe did you get my text?" Rachel asked rhetorically. "Ya that's great, I'm happy for you," Chloe said not sounding at all happy. "Chloe are you ok, are you mad at me?"

"No, I'm not mad at you, I just kinda want to be alone right now."

"Why, what happened?"

"Rachel I don't really want to talk about it."

"Ok, you don't have to talk about it, but I want you to know that I'm there for you, you were there for me the whole time my dad was being a jerk, you were there for me when I was in the hospital, you were there for me when my dad told me about my mom, you got expelled for me. I'm here for you if you need me, Chloe."

"I miss him," Chloe said trying to hold back tears and failing.

"What?" Rachel said surprised, she hadn't expected Chloe to cry.

"My dad, I miss my dad."

"I'll be there soon Rachel said hanging up."

A while later Joyce was downstairs in the kitchen meal prepping when she heard a knock at the door. "Can I talk to Chloe?" Rachel asked, holding 2 chocolate milkshakes.

"I don't really know if she wants company right now but you can go see." Rachel went upstairs and into Chloe's room.

When Rachel walked into Chloe's room Chloe was laying on her bed crying. Rachel went and sat down beside Chloe "I didn't think you would want to leave your house so I brought you a chocolate milkshake, wasn't that our new tradition, every time one of us is sad we get chocolate milkshakes." Rachel said, handing Chloe a chocolate milkshake. "You're the best," Chloe said.

After a few minutes of silence, Rachel said: "Do you want to talk about it or do you want me to talk about something completely different?"

"Distract me," Chloe said

"There's this girl Kate Marsh at school, she's really nice, I have my photography class with her, the class with the creepy teacher I told you about."

"Oh, the one who wants to capture the shot of innocence."

"Ya, him, he's just gotten more creepy." Rachel said

After a few hours of Rachel doing a great job of taking Chloe's mind off William, she said: "I told my parents I'd be home tonight, Rose doesn't like when I stay over at people's houses on a school night."

"Ok, bye Rachel. Tomorrow I'll pick you up from school and you can tell me all about how your dad said he was going to be a better father instead of him saying he would try. I'll be excited for you then."

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow."

Once Rachel left Joyce came in, "I thought you wanted to be alone." Joyce said.

"I did, but then Rachel came and she took my mind off everything."

"Ok," Joyce said, sounding a little upset.

"Do you want to hang out?" Chloe said

"Sure," Joyce said, sounding happier. 

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