Mr.Jefferson's Demand

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It was nearing the end of September and Nathan couldn't stop thinking about the room under the barn being built. He knew December was still a few months away but a few months could go by fast. Rachel had been doing a good job of reassuring him and brought up some good points. She told him if Mr.Jefferson was planning on doing something to him he wouldn't have told his dad the exact location of the barn.

When he got to school the second Mr.Jefferson saw him he said: "Nathan, I need to talk to you. Come with me.".

"Ok." Nathan said not sure what Mr.Jefferson was planning on doing.

Once they were behind the school Mr.Jefferson said: "Nathan, remember the deal we have with your grades and you helping me."


"Well, I need you to help me with something."

"What do you need?"

"Do you know Frank Bowers?"


"Do you know what he does for a living?"

"Ya, he sells drugs."

"Exactly, I'm going to give you money and I need you to buy something from him."

"Why can't you do it."

"All I'll say is Frank and I have history, and aren't on speaking terms. Nathan wasn't surprised, his creepy teacher and drug dealer knowing each other and not liking each other didn't seem like an unlikely thing. Though he was curious about what had happened between them, but he knew Mr.Jefferson would never tell him.

"Ok, what do you want me to get?"

"Just tell Frank you want something a little heavier than sleeping pills.". Mr.Jefferson was a little worried about trusting Nathan but knew he would have to do it eventually. He was pretty sure this was a good way to start because there was no way Nathan could be recording this conversion since he wouldn't have been prepared, which meant there was no possible evidence of this happening.

"Ok, and I give Frank all the money?"

"Yes, and Nathan do not tell anyone about this. Your father trusts me, it would be your word against mine, and I think we both know who would win."

"Of course." Nathan said as calmly as he could.

It was confirmed, Mr.Jefferson was definitely up to something, and now he was threatening Nathan.

Nathan wanted to tell Rachel about this so badly but knew he couldn't, he knew that if it came down to it his dad would believe Mr.Jefferson over him. He wasn't sure who Rachel would tell, if she told the police it would look really bad on Nathan since he had no real evidence of it happening.

Nathan knew it was a good idea to stay on Mr.Jefferson's good side and was going to do it, but he also thought about ways he could get evidence. He thought about starting a recording on his phone when he gave Mr.Jefferson the drugs, but didn't want to risk Mr.Jefferson asking for his phone and the recording being on. He knew if he was going to do something like that he had to be 100 percent sure Mr.Jefferson wouldn't catch him.

That night Nathan told his parents that he was going to hang out with friends, and then went to Frank's trailer.

When Frank opened the door he was expecting Rachel, he was surprised when he saw Nathan, he also found it ironic since Rachel had just asked him the other day if he often sold stuff to Nathan.

"Hi Nathan."

"Hello Frank, I was wondering if you could sell me something like a sleeping pill but stronger."

"I can, how much do you want?"

"As much as this pays for."

"Did someone send you?"

"No, why?"

"Because usually my clients know the name of the drug they want, and they know how much."

"So are you not going to sell it to me?"

"I'll sell it to you, I just think you should be careful who you give it to."

"Ok, thank you."

That night Nathan put everything Frank gave him in a dark bag so nobody would see what it was.

The next day when Mr.Jefferson saw Nathan he said "Nathan come to my classroom with me." Once they were in the classroom with the door locked, and the security camera off Mr.Jefferson asked: "Can I have your phone, I just want to make sure you're not recording this conversation." Nathan was glad he decided not to do that. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket. Mr.Jefferson proceeded to look through his phone which Nathan thought was a violation of his privacy but was too scared to say anything.

"Do you have it?" Mr.Jefferson asked after inspecting Nathan's phone.

"Ya." Nathan said, getting the dark bag out of his backpack.

"Did you have trouble getting it?" Nathan decided the best idea was to be as honest as possible. "Ya, he asked me if I was getting it for somebody else because I didn't know the name and amount, but either than that there was no problem."

"Ok, thank you Nathan, you can leave now. You made the right decision by obeying me." 

Sorry I meant to update this yesterday but forgot. I hope you are enjoying it so far. 

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