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 Rachel was infuriated, she couldn't believe what Nathan had done. She walked through the hall looking for him when she passed Mr.Jefferson's classroom, and saw Nathan and Mr.Jefferson in there. Nathan said: "I thought you were going to keep the video private."

"I never said that I wouldn't let people see it." Mr.Jefferson replied.

"I thought it was unspoken."

"Well it wasn't, and I wouldn't have listened to you anyway."

"You hurt her enough last night, you didn't need to make it worse."

"It builds character Nathan."

"You're a real fucked up person Mr.Jefferson, and I hope you know that." Nathan said and started to leave.

When Nathan opened the door he saw Rachel, but before Mr.Jefferson could see her he grabbed her arm and ran. "Nathan where are we going?"

"Somewhere where we can talk.". Once Rachel and Nathan were behind the school Nathan said: "How much of that did you hear?"

"Oh not much, just you talking about Kate's video and that you hurt her enough last night. What did you do to Kate? You drugged her didn't you, with that flavoured water." Rachel said with air quotations over the words flavoured water. "Rachel you have to be careful."

"That's not an answer, and is that video even real, when would it have happened?"

"The more you know the more in danger you are with Mr.Jefferson."

"You seem fine and you seem to know a lot."

"I'm not fine Rachel. Notice how I'm helping Mr.Jefferson with stuff and Kate isn't, it's because she doesn't know anything, and I know exactly what Mr.Jefferson is up to."

"Then tell the police or something."

"I can't, whatever I do to help will just end up hurting more people."

"So I'll tell the police."

"He'll just hurt you."

"I'll be careful."

"Kate was careful, Lily was careful, I was careful, no matter how careful you are he is always 10 steps ahead of you."

"Who's Lily?"

"This other girl who got caught up in Mr.Jefferson's shit."

"Kate wasn't the first one?"

"No, and she won't be the last. I have to go Rachel, and don't tell any of this to anyone, I'm serious." Nathan said and walked away.

After school Rachel got in Chloe's truck and said: "Guess what?"

"What, I was right, Nathan drugged Kate."

"Well technically yes, but I overhead Nathan talking to Mr.Jefferson. Nathan was saying that the video was meant to stay a secret."

"Wait so Mr.Jefferson was in on it. A teacher at Blackwell helped drug a student!"

"Yes, but there's more. After Nathan and Mr.Jefferson finished talking Nathan saw me eavesdropping on them, then he said we needed to talk."

"Did he explain how he was innocent in everything." Chloe said in a sarcastic tone.

"No, he didn't really give me any straight answers because apparently the more I knew the more trouble I was in, or something like that."

"He might have a point there, if Mr.Jefferson finds out that you have all this dirt on him he wouldn't be happy."

"I think there is a lot more we don't know though, because Nathan didn't seem to think I knew very much. Then I told him since he wouldn't tell the police about everything I would, and that I would do it carefully. Then he started talking about how he was careful and Kate was careful, and mentioned this girl Lily and how she was careful."

"Wait, Mr.Jefferson has hurt more than just Kate?"

"Ya, apparently there were many girls before her and there will be many after her.".

"That's terrible."


Chloe and Rachel spent the rest of the night in Chloe's room thinking of things they could do to stop Mr.Jefferson from hurting more people.

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