Sady 5 years ago

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Sady was spending her typical weeknight doing what she normally would do; cleaning.

This was her 2nd week of being grounded and she knew her sister was not one to play games with when it came to punishment.

Sady had spent the last few years living with Vanessa, her older sister but the older she got the more the two bumped heads. Sady was 17 and in her senior year of high school. She stood about 5'5 with cocoa brown skin and big brown doe eyes to match. She wasn't just an average beauty with her thick long curly hair she was easily becoming her sister's body double causing chaos she wasn't interested in.

Vanessa, her sister was 6 years older than her. They were practically twins except Vanessa was a few inches taller and wore her hair styled differently from her younger sister. For the last few years, she had been working as a dancer trying to make ends meet for herself and her younger sister Sady. Although they maintained well Vanessa just didn't know what to do with a teenager and the older Sady got the harder she seemed to handle.

The last few years they both stayed together in a fourplex apartment with a shared laundry space with neighbors that was on the ground floor.

Sady sighed getting up to go finish washing her clothes that were in the laundry downstairs of their fourplex.

She made her way downstairs in her tank top and shorts to where the washing machines were and began changing her loads out.

As she was reaching into the dryer to grab her clothes she felt someone rush behind her damn near pushing her into the dryer.

"What the fuck?" She said as she pulled her head out.

She turned around to see Rico with a look of panic as he tried to figure out how to exit the back door as he tugged at it.

Rico was about a year older than her although they were in the same grade. He was 6'2 and light skin with green eyes and a low cut. He was the typical bad boy; handsome with tattoos.

He turned to her with a look of 'help' on his face as she quickly looked to the front door and saw police lights.

"Come here. Take off yo pants." She told him rushing.

"What?" He asked stepping closer.

"Yo pants nigga." She tugged at his pants.

She grabbed his gun and stash tossing it into her basket of clothes as he pulled his pants off.

Sady jumped on top of the washer machine and pulled Rico close as she was pulling his tank top over his head leaving him shirtless and in shorts.

What was only a moment seemed like forever as he inched in closer to her lips as he looked into her eyes.

The two barely talked outside of school so being this close was new, for them both. 

"What-" He started.

The police burst in as expected.

"Y'all seen a young man run through here?" They asked the teens as Rico remained transfixed on Sady.

"Yeah, some boy just ran out the back." Sady lied as she pushed Rico from in between her legs hopping off the washer.

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