Baby Blues

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Ivy sat in the chair as her mom put her hair in two big ponytails and curled each one. Sady added bows and hair coloring to Ivy's hair.

Vanessa had decided on a simple jeans and t-shirt combo while she put baby Alan in a red shirt so he could match his dad. Sady had gone with her all-time favorite color pink again matching Ivy. She wore pink jean shorts that were cut out in the front and a white tee.

They were all finally ready for the day as Ivy' wore a baby pink shirt with the words 'Birthday girl' on the front and the number 5 on the back.

"You ready?" Sady asked.

Ivy smiled and nodded.

"So where are we going?" Ivy asked as she grabbed her uncle Kevin's hand.

"To a really cool event." Kevin told her.

"Uncle Kevin, what's a Eat vent?" She asked him as they all chuckled.

"What we eatin?" Ivy asked again still confused.

"Baby it's any EVENT. Like a place you go for something important." Sady told Ivy as they all got into the car together.

"Oh, something important! That sounds like fun." Ivy said excitedly.

"Exactly it should be." She told her as she got to the other side of the car.

It didn't take them long before they arrived at Auntie Beans' house.

"Momma I thought you said we was goin to a place for somethin important." Ivy pouted as she got unbuckled.

Sady laughed at her smart comment and finally helped her out of the car.

They walked up to the house. It appeared the driveway and street seemed to be full of cars.

"Is daddy here?" Ivy asked as they got up the stairs.

"I'm pretty sure of it. Come help me knock?" Sady said as she picked up Ivy in her arms.

They knocked together.

A short while later the door flung open with Rico answering it.

It was a house full of people who all yelled "Surprise!!! Happy Birthday Ivy!"

Ivy didn't know exactly how to react as she jumped into her dad's arms smiling as mostly everyone took photos or recorded.

The room consisted mostly of family and close friends from Rico's side of the family.

They made their way around the house while all the kids headed outside to the bounce house and other games provided.

"Thank you Nessa and Kevin. This looks really nice." Sady said grabbing her nephew and began feeding him

"Your welcome boo. anything for you both." Vanessa told her as she grabbed Kevin's arm and headed towards Ivy to get more pictures.

Vanessa had Kevin come by earlier to help Rico set up. She was so excited to help plan that she had already but all the decorations all there was left to do was set up.

"Hey, girl!" Ari walked up hugging Sady.

"Hey. " She greeted her.

"What's up? You in a bad mood?" She asked picking up on her friend's standoffish vibe.

"No, jus a lot on my mind." Sady told her honestly.

She wasn't lying. She thought about why Ari didn't tell her about being pregnant. Also Rico confessing his feelings, and the test she took earlier.

"Well don't be a party pooper. I've got a surprise for you later. I missed you and I've been waiting for you to come back." Ari told her with a smile as she grabbed her shoulder.

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