Family Ties: Raquel

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8 years ago

Raquel sat in her room reflecting on her life.

She wasn't perfect but hoped her cries for forgiveness would be enough. 

Unfortunately, those cries fell on deaf ears as her eldest son ran from her embrace. She never thought she would find him but when she did she didn't know how to tell him. She had watched him grow into a handsome young man but he still held the face of the man who broke her.

The only thing he seemed to keep of hers was the name she gave him.


"You think you can just act like shit is okay? I was trying to think of a way to make it make sense but I can't. You abandoned me and chose the kids you wanted to raise! I hate you!" Were his last words to her as she sobbed.

She never got the chance to explain anything after revealing she was his mother.

She wanted to tell him how she loved him and longed for him all the while she had searched. Rio didn't want to hear any of it. She was the woman who was 'like a mom' to him only to find out that's exactly who she was.

Raquel felt herself slipping into another episode.

She looked down and saw her husband Keith's call from prison coming in.

"Hey baby, How you doin?" He asked as soon as the call connected.

"I'm okay, tired." She lied to him.

"What's wrong?" He asked concerned.

"Just a lot goin on." She told him.

"Babe come on don't do that. What's goin on?" Keith asked her again.

She sat in silence for a moment before she gained the courage to explain to him what happened. Keith had been her strength and without him, she felt the weight of the world.

"So you found him?" He said sounding happy.

"Yes, but he hates me." Raquel started to cry.

"Babe he just doesn't understand. And you said it yourself he doesn't know since he didn't let you explain. Just let him take it in, try again and I am sure he will come around." Keith told her trying to put her mind at ease.

"I don't know. How will tell the kids?" Raquel questioned.

"You ain't gotta bum rush them. Just tell Rico soon. You said they are in the same grade?" Keith asked.

"Yea, they have a lot of classes together." She told him.

"Well tell him when you feel comfortable but don't leave him in the dark. Him or Reese, okay?" He told her.

"One minute remaining." The operator announced.

"Well, I love you babe. I'll call you in the morning. Relax and I promise it'll all work out." He told her.

"I love you more." She told him before hanging up.

It was the same underlying feeling nagging at her inside out. 

She sat thinking of her teenage years and how all the decisions she made whether good or bad came back to haunt her.

When Raquel turned 15 she found out she was pregnant by her stepfather. It wasn't by choice and it wasn't anything to do with love. Well, it was a one-sided wrong type of love from him. He had abused her for years and her mother willingly turned away from her abuse in order to save her failing relationship. When she told them about the pregnancy they didn't seem to care or believe her. It wasn't until she started to show that he stopped abusing her sexually that it changed to verbal and physical abuse. 

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