Life and losses

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The last few days had been hard on everyone. Sady couldn't sleep. Rico was never home and dealing with the kids all by herself Sady didn't know what to do. Everyone seemed to try to stay busy but no matter what they did there always seemed to be a reminder of Reese.

It had been nearly 7 days since her murder and the day of the funeral had arrived.

To everyone especially Rico Reese's death was surreal.

Sady peeled herself out of her bed to see that Rico still wasn't home. She made her way to the twins' room before she changed them and woke up Quay and Ivy. After getting the older ones dressed while feeding the twins Sady got the twins ready and then herself.

She couldn't stomach eating but made sure the kids ate.

Sady called Rico's phone and he didn't answer.

She knew he was prolly out again maybe passed out at his aunt or Tay's. Lately, he wouldn't come home for long. This was at Sady's house or his. He would just shower and leave. Sady had to remind him to take care of himself since he barely would allow her to clean his dressing for his wound. Instead the first two days he refused to see anyone and locked everyone out of his house. Sady had to use her spare key to get in. She then climbs in bed with a heartbroken Rico to console him. She knew that he needed strength and she was trying to give all she could to the man who had never been weak before.

Sady packed the kids in the car before heading past Vanessa's to see her and Kevin already heading for their car. 

The ride was silent as the children weren't in the mood for playing or talking as they looked out the window and held each other's hands.

By the time they made it to the funeral, it was packed.

There were students from her school, some of her teammates, coaches, and teachers along with unknown family members that filled the venue.

"Who are they?" Quay whispered as he and Ivy held the stroller as Sady put the twins in.

"People who loved Reese." Sady said sadly.

It had been days since she said her name. The thought of her gone made her weak. She could only imagine Rico's pain. She shook her head fighting back her tears as she made it over Auntie Bean who stood next to a man in a prison jumpsuit. Sady assumed it to be Reese's father since some of his features were familiar.

He looked to Sady and the children and gave them a faint smile.

"Where the hell is Rico?" Auntie Bean asked as she grabbed one of the crying twins.

"I don't know. He hasn't been home really." Sady didn't know what to say as she picked up Isabella. She knew with Rico and Reese gone it had been hard and taking a toll on her.

Keith aka King looked over to Sady as she tried to calm Isabella down. Ian already calmed down in Auntie Bean's arms and Sady was trying her hardest but couldn't get the baby to stop crying.

"Can I?" The shackled man looked down at the baby girl in Sady's arms and let a single tear fall down his cheek.

"Give that man his grandbaby." Auntie Bean reassured Sady who passed the baby girl to him.

She instantly stopped crying as she opened up her eyes and looked at the man who held her.

"She looks-" He started but couldn't finish as Auntie Bean patted his shoulder knowing the baby in his arms reminded him of his daughter.

The funeral started before Rico arrived. He found a seat in the back and watched as everyone said their goodbyes. He had arrived earlier that morning and had said his goodbyes even though he didnt want to. He never imagined losing Reese. He figured maybe one day when she ran off and fell in love or maybe when she went off to college. But to lose her the way he did shattered him.  He felt lost and unsure. Knowing that he had his family to rely on him he tried to pick himself back together but didn't realize he was still missing pieces.

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