Brother's keeper

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"I am so sorry Rico. I only gave your key to Cecil who was supposed to stop by and check on you. I didn't expect Natalie to show up." Eduardo apologized.

Rico gave Eduardo a spare in case of emergencies not thinking anyone else would get ahold of the key.

"Man, I was drunk as hell. I got home bout 9 that morning and passed out. I didn't know how she got in. All I felt as someone on me." Rico told him.

"Sady hasn't returned your call? I left her a voicemail explaining my part. I know she is upset just give her some space. I'm still sorry. I never thought she would come honestly. " Eduardo tried to explain.

He hated that he played a small role in Natalie causing problems with Rico and Sady.

"I fucked up. I just didn't even think honestly." Rico admitted.

"Look I know you lost your sister but you have to pull it together. Sady and the kids need you now more than ever. I talked Natalie out of pressing charges for the fight since she was responsible but word has spread about the shootout at your home. I can't have you working and being a liability. You are going to have to choose. You can't be in the streets and working for me." Eduardo told him.

"I know. That shit is dead. I'm just trying to get my family in order. I fucked up big time. Sady won't talk to me. Kids barely wanna speak to me. I just need a week or two. Please bear with me." He told him.

"I can do that. I got your back. Just know that you have to fight for what you want. Things aren't going to be easy but-.. Just go" Eduardo stopped his lecture wanting Rico to go after Sady before he lost her.

Rico nodded knowing exactly what he was thinking as he left his office and headed to his house.

It had been a few days since he had been home but he needed to grab some clothes and hopefully, he would be welcome at Sady's if not he would find a place nearby just in case she or the kids needed him.

"Fuck." He said to himself as he walked into his home.

The first floor had so much damage from the shooting that there was glass everywhere along with bullet holes.

Rico felt bad that his family was falling apart like it was.

He headed upstairs which still seemed unscathed. He opened the kid's room door to see toys still on the floor. He wanted to cry looking over at the room he turned into the nursery for the twins. He shut both doors and headed to his room which had blood spots on the floor from when Sady was attacking Natalie.

He felt even more like shit remembering his faults.

He wished it was all a dream as got into the shower and got dressed before he packed his bag and headed for the door.

For some reason, he looked back to the nightstand remembering something Sady had left him. He searched for the envelope on his nightstand, grabbed it, and headed out.


The last few days Rico tried but Sady wouldn't talk to him and he knew he had to figure some shit out.  He decided to get a room nearby hoping she would talk to him. She was not willing to see him and wasn't going to force the kids to answer his calls. He had been absent from them for over a month so another day or two without him didn't matter to her even if he tried calling, texting, or stopping by she didn't care to answer.

Instead of invading Sady's space again, Rico went to visit his father who was still mad. King told him that Sady was a good woman, that she reminded him of his mom in some ways and he needed to do right by her. He didn't tell him but King knew that something had happened as he and Rico both just nodded. At this point, Rico just wanted to know why he had a brother and no one told him about it. This was the same person who caused all this trouble. He knew a lot of people thought he was just blaming Rio but Rico knew for a fact that anything that had been happening in his life that was going bad, Rio had his hand in it. After asking over and over again King eventually told him to go visit his mother's mother and he would understand.

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