Sady baby

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This is the final part. Please check out Joy and Pains since the two stories are related. Part three is up 'In the End' is currently available on Amazon for purchase. It will pick up where Sady baby left off and also bring in characters from Joy and Pain along for the ride. I wont be posting it so you will have to search for the title on Amazon.

Sady exited the plane with two car seats and Quay and Ivy in tow.

"I honestly wish y 'all were older sometimes." Sady told them.

"We're almost strong." Ivy told her as Quay went and grabbed the stroller that connected their car seats.

"Thanks." She told him.

"You're welcome momma." Quay said.

"TT Babies!" Joy smiled as she waited for them by the gate.

"We figured you might need a little help." Laylay smiled as she hugged Sady and then the kids.

"Aww, thanks you guys." Sady said feeling relieved.

"We told you we got you." Pain stood behind her with baby Koi strapped to his chest.

"Thanks you guys." She hugged her brother and got a good look at her nephew.

"Wow Koi and Ian could damn near be twins." She said looking down at the bouncing baby boy.

Joy was excited to see the twins as she moved the car seat covers back and smiled cooing at the babies.

"Wow, Ian could be Koi's twin." Joy laughed agreeing. "If they were the same size I'm sure everyone would think they were triplets."

"One thing for sure we out here making beautiful babies." Trey walked up smiling before he gave his sister a hug.

"Without a doubt." Pain nodded as he rubbed Joy's stomach.

"Y 'all  not hungry?" Joy asked as she grabbed Sady's arm and Trey grabbed the stroller.


"I said a visit. Not move." Sady looked to Pain and Trey who sat across from her.

"We are not sayin this has to be permanent but it might be what's best just for a little while." Trey told her.

"I am not trying to be rude or sound ungrateful but how can you know what's best?" She looked at them.

"Look Nessa told us everything. Whoever this Rio is isn't going to stop. We are not here to bash you or Rico nor are we saying the situation wasn't hard. I just think that you and the kids need a change of scene for a while. He's in a position that leaves you and the kids at risk. So much bad shit in such a short amount of time isn't good for anyone. Just stay a little longer." Trey told her.

"Also Rico, knows your here. I know you said you needed a break but he needed to know you and the kids were okay. I am not sayin how he did you was okay but I could only imagine how I would act if I lost Trey, you or Nessa let alone y 'all kids. Rico just wasn't in the right mind but he needs to be able to know that in his absence we got you. Which we do. I didn't tell him nothin bout you movin here or us offering. He said he had some shit to handle iono know how it's goin to play out and he would speak on the Rio situation. Look we would love for you to stay but I want you to make the decision cause it is only a decision you can make." Pain told her.

Sady nodded.

It was true. It was just within a year things had drastically changed and she didn't know what to do anymore.

"You are worried about everything but we keep tellin you we got you. I know we missed out a lot. So just take it as a making up for lost time together. Nessa already said you have money saved. That girl tell me all yo business." Trey smiled.  "You won't have to touch none of it. Pain got a few places you can choose from so housing isn't an issue. Financially I got you and the kids until you and Rico figure things out. If it takes months. Years. Decades. I got y 'all." Trey told her.

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