Baby Drama

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"Bring yo ass." Rico grabbed a wobbly Sarah up by the arm.

"Where the fuck are we goin?" Sarah asked as they stumbled towards his truck.

Rico knew he had a lot going on but he figured one less uncertainty would be better. He had dropped Ivy off at Vanessa's and didn't see Sady. He called Sarah and told her they needed to talk.

He headed straight over. 

She and the baby were healthy and about to be 5 months along so he did some research last night when he couldn't sleep and found out a DNA test can be done during pregnancy. The more he researched he found as long as the mother and child were healthy it would pose fewer risks. He figured she was far enough along that it shouldn't be an issue.

Rico wasn't going to be waiting to find out if it was his baby. He knew he had a chance and wished he didn't. But he also knew Sarah was fuckin with as many men as he was with women during their time together.

Rico didn't say anything the entire ride and they pulled up to the same location he was with Ivy and Sady and also with Quay. He shook his head seeing he was becoming a regular. A few of them even waived in familiarity. 

"Jackson." He checked in.

"Rico you bought me here for a fuckin DNA test? You know you have to wait til the baby is born? I don't even know what it is yet." Sarah said as they sat down.

"You far enough to know and nah 2500 test for same-day results I can take care of that easily to clear my mind and my hands of you." He told her not looking at her.

"You say it like it's not yo baby. Don't play me Rico." Sarah told him holding her stomach.

"Jackson." The nurse called them to the back.

"We will find out." He said as he pulled her to the back.

Sady had finally gotten out of bed and invited Ari over to talk. 

She missed her best friend and really she just wanted to catch up before she left.

Sady felt bad since she didn't make it to their afternoon plans and when Ari arrived she set up a movie night for her and the girls.

They left Ivy with baby Alan in the living room sleeping while she watched 101 Dalmatians.

Sady apologized for her sour mood yesterday and congratulated her again before spilling the beans on her own pregnancy.

Ari started crying.

"Oh my god it's not that bad anymore. I cried at first too." Sady told her.

Ari still cried.

"No. It just now our babies can be besties too!" She sobbed.

"Girl if your emotional ass do not shut  up before you wake up my baby." Vanessa walked in laughing but serious.

"Yeah calm down." Sady told her passing her tissue before they all let out a light chuckle.

They all laughed and gossiped all night until Ari headed home and Vanessa grabbed the kids and went upstairs.

Sady wasn't tired but her head was killing her so she decided to lay down until she could pass out.

A few hours had passed. 

She hadn't fallen asleep but her headache was gone.

Vrrb vrrb vrrb.

Sady looked at her phone and saw it was Ari calling so she picked up.

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