Save the Drama pt 2

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"Where yall at?" Rico asked Sady as he put her on speaker.

"The park on 22nd. After I stopped by my office I decided to get the babies out." Sady told him.

"Out to do what? They can barely do anything." Rico joked.

Sady rolled her eyes.

"For fresh air." She told him.

"I already heard you rollin yo eyes." Rico laughed.

"Now you already know." Sady laughed.

"Hey, Sady. I'm really glad you agreed to meet me here." A woman's voice said.

"Rico let me call you back." Sady said not giving him the chance to question her as she rushed him off the phone.

To Rico, it wasn't something she would normally do.

He pulled up her location and she was exactly where she said she was but she never talked about meeting with someone. The voice sounded familiar but he couldn't figure out who it was and it left him feeling uneasy. He figured maybe he would just drive by to make sure she was okay just because she was with the twins.

"No problem Jasmine." Sady said as she moved the stroller back and forth.

"Wow, they look just like Rico." Jasmine smiled seeing the babies.

She looked better than she had a few days ago. Still small but better.

"I hate to admit it but they do." Sady smiled at her.

"Congratulations. You look good." She told her with a sincere smile. 

Something Sady had never seen from her.

"I'm sorry bout the other day." Jasmine said sadly.

"It's okay. I mean what's goin on?" Sady asked her.

"Look, I'm not going to beat around the bush." Jasmine said awkwardly as she took a seat.

"I really want to tell you thank you for everything. You're out here bringing my baby happiness whereas I'm just..." Jasmine shook her head in disappointment.

"Hey. No bodies perfect. We just gotta figure it out." Sady told her smiling at her.

"That's the thing. I don't know if I can." Jasmine said with tears in her eyes.

Sady was unsure what to do. She had never seen Jasmine this upset.

"Sady I fucked up. I'm fucking up and I do know how to stop fucking it up." Jasmine said to her honestly shaking her head continuously.

"We can all figure it out together Jasmine. Rico's mad now but he will help because we all want what's best for Quay. It's okay." Sady said grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

"I can't do that to you. Definitely not Quay And as much as I've already hurt Rico.." Jasmine tried to keep it together but started crying.

"Hey, whatever you need we are here." Sady patted her back and pulled her in for a hug.

"I know this is a lot to ask but I want you to take care of Quay." Jasmine said wiping her face.

"We got him for however long as you need. You know this." Sady told her grabbing her hand.

"No. I want you to take Quay. Like you have been but permanently." Jasmine said trying to pull herself together.

"I don't get it. We got him no matter what. You can get better tho Jasmine don't give up." Sady encouraged her.

"That's the thing I can't. Every time I look at him I can't. How can I hate and love my own son?" Jasmine cried.

"You love him. I know you do. Jus a lot goin on." Sady told her grabbing her face.

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