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Not much later Sady and Ivy said their goodbyes to everyone before heading to their car.

"Lemme order yawl an Uber cause yawl not driving wit my baby." Rico looked over to Ari and then to Sady who held a sleepy Ivy in her arms.

"Uhn uhh. I'm stayin wit Tay." Ari walked off giggling waving bye to them.

"Well ima get yall an Uber and I can come get your rental car in the morning." He told her as he held her up.

Sady nodded as she laid her head on his shoulder.

He chuckled as he admired her; holding her making sure she didn't fall.

"Yo ass don't need to be drinkin if you a lightweight." He told her shaking his head.

"You was the nigga passing me the drinks." She laughed as she pointed to his face.

"Ight ight." He told her as he helped her in the Uber as it arrived.

He hopped in the car with them.

"What are you doing?" She asked him.

"Makin sure yawl make it safe." He told her as he texted on his phone.

Sady nodded before she drifted off with Ivy in her arms.

She didn't even notice she had fallen asleep until she rocked in Rico's arms as he carried her.

She blinked her eyes trying to focus as she saw Ivy in her arms she drifted off to sleep again.

Sady woke up in a big bed with black sheets. 

She looked around and the room was dark with no sign of Ivy.

Sady panicked as she flung the door open to see Rico in the hallway shutting a door.

He held his finger to his lips "shh." He told her grabbing her hand.

Sady stumbled a few times before falling into him.

"Sorry, I can barely see." She whispered.

He cracked open the same door she had just watched him close.

He nodded his head for her to peek in. 

Inside were two twin beds with Ivy on one and Quay on the other.

"I went back to get him after I brought yawl here." He whispered closing the door.

She nodded.

He pulled her back down the hall into the room she had been sleeping in.

"What happened to taking us home?" She crossed her arms as he turned on the light.

"I did. This is my house. Wherever I am Ivy will have a home. And since you are her mother you are included in that." He smiled at her and turned on the tv.

"You must think you are funny? You know you can't kidnap us right?" She asked him taking a seat on the bed.

"Girl you was droolin all on my bed you might as well lay back down. Ain't nobody tryna do nothin to yo big-headed ass." He joked with her.

"Uhm hmm.. Can I get some water?" She asked before he nodded and headed to the kitchen to get it.

"Here." He returned passing it to her.

"Whatchu wanna watch?" She said flipping through the guide.

"You." He flashed her a smile.

"Boy gone." She shooed him off.

"I'm fa real." He told her as he sat his chin in his hand looking at her.

"Now you bout to make me go crawl in bed with my baby." Sady told him standing up.

"Sady... why you keep playing?" He told her as he caught her by the arm before she exited the room.

"I'm not Rico. You just..." She stopped before turning away and reaching for the handle.

"I what? I feel like I ain't do nothing wrong. We had a good day. So what is it?" He asked her with his piercing green eyes.

"Just you Rico. You come wit a lot of 'You' and sometimes it's too much for me." She told him lowering her eyes as she reached for the handle again.

He chuckled at her.

"You fighting the attraction and we both want it." He pulled her arm causing her to stumble into his chest.

"Rico, good night." Sady said as she reached for the door again.

"Sady." Rico called as she still remained in his arms.

She looked up into his eyes and melted.

He pulled her face near hers and kissed her. 

"Stop." She whispered as he started to kissed her neck.

"You want me to really stop?" He pulled back from her looking her into her face.

She shook her head yes then shook her head no.

Rico kissed her again swinging her around and tossing her on the bed.

Sady kissed him back pulling him onto the bed with her.

He tossed off his shirt as he started to strip Sady down.

She lay in the middle of his King bed in her bra and panties.

He licked down her stomach and kissed across her panty line. 

Rico came back up undoing her bra as he pushed his tongue into her mouth.

The couple rolled around his bed before Sady ended on top of him now kissing down his chest as she unbuttoned his pants.

She took one hand and ran it down his chest while the other she put into his pants pulling his dick out.

"Mmmhmm." She moaned rubbing on him.

Rico watched her eagerly as he was rock-hard in her hands.

She first stroked him with her hands before she licked his shaft from the base to the tip.

"Fuck." He let out watching her take him into her mouth inch by inch.

She moved her head up and down while going faster.

She alternated hands and speed as she stroked Rico's manhood in her mouth.

"Shit." Rico let out shaking his head as he pulled away from Sady.

She smiled knowing her lil trick almost got him to cum.

"C'mere." Rico told her as he pulled her in for a kiss. 

He pushed her back as she pushed her legs apart and started to suck her clit.

"Ohh." She let out grabbing a pillow to quiet herself down

Rico kept licking and sucking on her clit as she fell limp on the bed and her legs shook.

"Ahh" Sady's moans escaped the pillow as she clawed the bed but Rico kept going.

It wasn't until her body fell limp that he climbed on top of her.

He kissed all the way up her naked body before he made it to her mouth. 

"I love the way you moan." He told her breaking their kiss.

He undressed fully and climbed back in bed entering her.

The couple spent what hours were left of darkness getting more familiar with each other's bodies as they climaxed over and over again passing out on his bed. 

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