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"What's up you been moody since I talked wit yo uncle last week? Is it the babies?" Rico asked her on Facetime.

"Just a lot going on right now it just is taking a lot out of me." She admitted as she climbed out of bed.

Her long hair had been sectioned and detangled last night right after she finished with Ivy's hair.

"I know it's a lot to take in but don't be stressing my babies out. Talk to me." Rico told her knowing she tended to keep things to herself.

Sady nodded.

"Well, when you came here my uncle told me something he should have years ago and now I'm not exactly sure how to feel about it or him. Really the whole situation." She said sounding sad.

"What you mean?" He asked her.

"He told me I have two older brothers. Apparently, my dad just walked out of their lives because my mom was a home wrecker and basically my uncle knew about them and didn't even help them out." She said sounding sad.

"Damn, that is kinda fucked up." Rico admitted.

"I just don't know how to feel about it. I don't like it. I just haven't been wanting to be around my uncle anymore and it's not his fault." Sady tried to argue.

"No body is perfect. At least he said something to you. Now it's up to you with what you want to do with that information." He told her with a smile.

"Yeah, it's just now I just don't know how to feel about it." She told him.

"Well I know you will figure it out and everything is going to be okay. I mean it would be easier if you came back out here. Sady have you thought what's going to happen when the babies come?" Rico had been persistent in trying to get her to move back.

"Honestly Rico I've been thinkin about it. Jus a lot on my plate right now." She admitted before walking into Ivy's room to wake her up.

She ran her fingers threw her long curls.

"Princess, daddy's on the phone." Sady shook her before Ivy finally rolled over grabbing her phone out of her hand.

Sady walked out of the room with so much on her mind.

She had been thinking about moving since finding out about the twins. Sady knew that she could handle it when it was just her and Ivy. She figured one more baby would still be doable but with two she didn't know how she would manage especially with only her aunt as help. She knew she couldn't count on her uncle since he had been tired a lot lately.

Sady had spent some time looking at houses and applying to jobs back home just to see what she could find. Although her aunt and uncle were her safety net she knew she was going to have to co-parent but also would need more hands on deck with two babies. She knew Vanessa would help and outside of Rico, she had decided that was the only other person she could count on besides her aunt since Ari would be having a newborn too.

Her lease was coming up for renewal so Sady knew she would have to make a decision soon but hoped she would have an answer from her job about transferring. So far she asked Rico not to tell anyone about the twins just yet seeing as she wanted to get things figured out before everyone asked her a thousand questions that right now she didn't have an answer to.

"I honestly don't know why he got her an iPad." Sady said putting it on the charger.

Rico called her phone every morning even though he could reach Ivy on her iPad. Sady looked for her phone but forgot Ivy had it and decided she would call Vanessa later on in the day and finally tell her about the news her uncle shared last week.

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