Brink of change

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Beep beep, beep beep

The monitor was steady.

Rico looked over to see Sady sleeping with Ivy and Quay in her arms and on each of her sides.

He smiled seeing his lil family.

He looked over to see Tay was in the corner with Ari looking uncomfortable as hell.

Rico couldn't help but laugh looking at how ridiculous they were.

"Aye nigga fuck you." Tay told him flicking him off in the dark.

"How long I been here?" He asked seeing Sady and the kids in the same clothes from when he passed out.

"Bout 12 hours. Shit was touch and go at first but I told em yo ass was gunna be fine." Tay told him smiling.

"Sarah crazy ass stabbed me fam." He shook his head remembering.

"Yo I told you her ass was crazy. I told you." Tay said with a chuckle.

"I'm glad we can all laugh about it now." Sady said dryly.

She didn't move not wanting to wake the kids up.

"I didn't mean to wake you." Rico told her.

"You didn't." She told him with an attitude looking visibly stressed.

"Oh ok." He told her not understanding why Sady was acting so cold towards him. 

He was just the one who got stabbed.

He brushed it off as a stressful situation.

"I just wanted to make sure you're okay. I need to go back to my sister's in pack. If you want I can bring Quay wit me or I-" She started before interrupting herself with a yawn.

"Yea, it's cool." He told her before she woke the kids up.

They all said their goodbyes before Sady headed to get the kids' some food and then back to her sisters for the night.

It didn't take her long to pack since she had been putting her stuff away each day. After about 20 minutes she was done and saw the kids had fallen asleep in the living room. She picked them up and laid them on the bed before she took a shower and replayed the day that had just happened.

So many thoughts ran through Sady's mind; If Sarah didn't live there why did she have a key? But why didn't Quay know about her? Was she really pregnant? Is this what she could expect leaving her daughter with him? It seemed like Rico's life was simple but complicated and Sady wasn't comfortable with the uncertainty. She tossed and turned for a while until she drifted off to sleep catching a break from her troubles.


The next morning Sady swung by the store to get Quay a change of clothes, got the kids ready, and headed back up to the hospital.

She had already said goodbye to her sister and her nephew and had a few hours before her flight.

"Are you going to come back?" Quay asked Ivy and Sady after explaining they were leaving back to California today.

"I don't know when I will but your sister will and often." She smiled at him.

"I really hope so. And I hope you come back too!" He told her smiling brightly.

She parked in the parking garage and made her way upstairs with the kids.

"Daddy!" They both yelled running towards his bed.

"Babies!" He told them hugging them both in his arms.

"Hey, Sady Baby." He told her lifting his head up and flashing her a smile.

"Hey." She said unenthused.

Rico didn't get her. Everything was fine then all of a sudden when Sarah's crazy ass showed up was another story. He played with the kids for a while longer before turning to Sady.

"Can I talk to you in the bathroom?" He asked her not wanting to talk in front of the kids.

She nodded.

He pulled her into the bathroom and shut the door behind them.

"Wassup?" He asked her.

"What you mean Rico?" She asked irritated.

"I mean wit you. We was just all good and now you acting like this whole week we made no progress." He told her.

"Did you forget what happened yesterday?" She asked him seriously.

"Yeah we made love." He told her as she stared at him still.

"Seriously?" She looked at him

"Sady don't ask me no stupid shit like that." He told her getting irritated.

"Rico you dead ass got stabbed in front of me yesterday. That's not no everyday shit. First, you left me in the house wit the kids. That's cool but at the same time you should say something before just leaving kids unattended." she started.

"They almost fuckin 5 Sady be real." He sucked his teeth.

"Second your girlfriend, baby momma, ex whatever you wanna call her just showed up and unlocked the door. Do you not realize how dangerous that shit was? Me and the kids ran towards the door thinkin it was you to see her ass tossing her bags in the house before she tried to attack me." She continued.

"That's not my girl chill out." Rico told her.

"Well, she had a key to your place and is claiming to be carrying your child." She told him.

Rico didn't know how he got himself into this.

"Look I don't know how she got that key. But that's not my girl. I don't know nothing bout no pregnant. You the only woman wit my baby fa real." He told her inching in closer.

"Rico I can't do this shit again. It's just too much. Honestly, after yesterday I'm scared to leave my daughter with you." Sady told him truthfully.

"Not this shit." He tossed his arms.

"I don't know what you want me to say Rico." She told him.

"I want you to say you trust me. Not just with our daughter but with your heart. I want you to say you're sorry bout havin an attitude and mean it. I want you to say you want me." He told her grabbing her hands.

"I can't say that and mean it." She told him wiping her tears before walking out of the bathroom.

"Ivy get ready to say bye to your brother and dad." She said as she walked out of the bathroom.

Sady watched their goodbyes before Ari and Tay showed up.

"Bye, Uncle Tay and Auntie Ari!" She kissed both of their cheeks.

"Y'all leavin already?" Tay asked.

"Yup. Seven days was enough." Sady huffed as she stood up.

"So when do you plan on coming back?" Ari asked.

"I'm not sure. I was thinking maybe Ivy's birthday or maybe after." She offered hugging her but still unsure of when.

Sady's mind was everywhere. She didn't know what to do about Rico. To trust him or not. She just knew right now she needed to go home and take a break from all the drama she dealt with the last few days.

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