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It was finally the day Sady was headed to the park to meet her brothers. Her uncle asked her for a date and time and he set everything up. Now she felt all she had to do was show up and wait to meet them. They had planned it over a week ago and as the days neared they left her more and more anxious.

Sady really hadn't been in the best of moods. Although everything seemed to working out for her; She and Rico got into it again the other night when he picked up Reese. Of course, she was mad because once more he didn't listen to her about having their daughter around Caroline. He was just mad that she hit her and told her that Caroline was probably going to be around more often and told her to keep her hands to herself. Rico said she was technically never left alone with the kids so he wanted Sady to relax.

Sady felt like beating his ass then and there but realized if he couldn't respect her wishes she would show him she wasn't playing. There was no reason for Ivy to make things up. Sady didn't understand Rico. He wasn't claiming Caroline yet always had her around and the fact she made smart statements Sady could only imagine what she would say to their daughter with him gone.

Sady had dropped the kids off yesterday morning and warned him again about not listening to her. Rico claimed the kids were at his aunts but Caroline just happened to be there. She didn't want to hear that she just hoped he took heed to what she was saying. He told her once more that he wouldn't have Ivy around her unless by chance he had to drop her off to his aunts and Caroline was already with him.

Sady shook her head trying to shake from her thoughts when her phone went off.

It was a photo of Rico with him holding both Ivy and Quay. She smiled in love with their little faces. They looked like they were enjoying their day so far so she figured she shouldn't ruin it. She just knew that Rico was walking on a thin line with her. 

She was so caught up in her phone she didn't realize she was nearing a man and bumped into him by mistake dropping her phone.

"I am so sorry." She told him reaching down for her phone.

He beat her to it smiling at the photo on her phone and passed it to her.

"You're fine. My bad I wasn't paying attention myself. Beautiful family by the way." He told her smiling. He was a handsome man. She figured he was about 8-10 years older based on how he carried himself.

"Thanks. Actually, it's my daughter and her brother with their dad. They can be a handful but I love those faces." She smiled.

"Man, she is beautiful. Especially with all that hair. And I know the feeling." He told her taking a seat on the bench.

"Thanks. Her hair is a beautiful madness. You have kids?" Sady laughed as she asked standing nearby. She figured while she waited a conversation with a friendly stranger couldn't be too bad.

"I'm expecting my first in three months. It's a boy and I just had my first nephew." He smiled proudly.

"Well, congratulations! I know what's exciting for you and your wife. And your sister or brother." She smiled noticing the ring on his hand.

The man felt as if she was familiar as they engaged in small talk. Sady took a seat on the bench as they passed the time.

"So you're telling me your pregnant with twins?" He asked her shocked.

"Yup, and I find out next week what they are. I mean honestly, when I first found out they were twins I was kinda pissed but now it's more like 'can't wait til you get here'." Sady laughed.

"That's a blessing no doubt. Two more beautiful heads of madness if they are girls. Damn, I wish me and my girl could have had twins." He confessed.

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