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Sady woke up to Rico's call like usual. It had been the same thing the last two months since she had came home. He would call as she got ready for work, on her break and when she picked up a Ivy from her aunt and uncles. She couldn't lie she now talked to him more than her sister and Ari, evn combined.

"Good morning beautiful." Rico told her as she smiled.

"Good morning Rico." Sady responded.

"How my boy doing?" He asked.

Sady rolled her eyes. Rico was so sure that they were having a boy and had been trying to convince her to name him a jr.

Sady assumed he wanted a boy since Tay and Ari were expecting one. They had found out the week after she and Ivy had left. She couldn't make the gender reveal since she didn't have anyone to cover her shift but Vanessa called her and she was able to sit in on the moment during a video chat.

"Boy gone. This is a house of women's." She laughed.

"Man go wake up my ONLY baby girl in the world." Rico told her.

Sady laughed at his emphasis on the "only". 

She hopped out of bed and made her way to Ivy's room.

"Don't forget my appointment is Friday." Sady reminded him.

"Ima be there. I already got my ticket. I'll drive if need be. Aye even if I'm not it don't mean yo ass can miss appointments." He reminded her.

"Rico shut up I be busy. I missed one appointment. Don't nothing be going on early? Look how it worked out anyways. You get to come." She told him smiling.

"Nigga I don't even wanna hear all that. Yo ass better not be missin no more appointments." He nagged.

"Okay daddy dearest." Sady shrugged him off.

"Call me daddy again." He winked at the camera.

"Shut up." Sady told him opening Ivy's door.

"Good morning princess." They told her in unison.

"Morning." She yawned pulling herself out of bed.

She grabbed Sady's phone.

"Daddy it's just two more days til you here! You should see mommy her stomach is getting bigger." Ivy told him.

"Aye lil Girl don't do me like that. I thought you loved me." Sady told her kissing her cheek.

"My baby just tellin the truth." Rico laughed.

"Thanks Kyle. I appreciate you taking me to lunch." Sady told him as he waited for her to get up.

Her small bump had grown quicker than what she expected.

Sady was just hitting three months but she definitely had a small round ball under her shirt. This pregnancy was different than last time she thought. Kyle was her co-worker in a different department but after a few months of him offering to take her to lunch, she finally gave in. She mostly agreed today because she was hungry and he offered to go to one of her favorite places.

"You're welcome. I wish you would let me take you out, you know outside of work." Kyle smiled as they walked back to his car.

He was a handsome young man. Just someone she wasn't interested in stringing along, especially with all that she had been dealing with.

"Kyle I'm sure you're a great guy but I'm sure you can tell I have a lot going on." She told him emphasizing her stomach.

He smiled at her.

"You must not know. Step daddies are the new daddies." He chuckled opening the car door.

"Well, maybe I'll take you up on that in the future." She laughed as they headed back to work.

It didn't take them long to arrive before they found parking and made their way inside.

"So what are you doin this weekend?" He asked as they made it to the entry from the parking garage.

"I have my doctor's appointment tomorrow so I'll be off and then spend the weekend with my family." She told him as held the door.

"Well if you are free maybe-" Kyle started before something or someone caught Sady's attention.

She squinted her eyes thinking the man headed towards her was Rico.

Sady shook her head thinking he wouldn't be arriving until tonight and her mind was playing games.

Kyle continued to fumble over his words as he continued. "Maybe if you are free, we can uhh hang out."

"I might have said yes but my Baby daddy comes in this weekend and we're doing some stuff with our daughter." She told him casually.

"Aww ok." He sounded a little disappointed.

He didn't know what Sady's situation was exactly but he had been interested in her. Even after she told everyone she was pregnant it didn't deter him. She was funny and beautiful. He didn't understand how anyone would ruin their chances with her and he didn't want to be one of them.

"Maybe we can raincheck it?" Sady asked as they headed into the elevator.

A few others rushed in behind them pushing Sady and Kyle to opposite sides.

"Raincheck what?" A deep voice said and she looked over and saw Rico.

She jumped into his arms with excitement as he turned and saw Kyle watching them.

"I thought you weren't going to be here until later?" She asked happy to see him.

"You know I had to come check on my babies. I thought you were doin a half day?" He asked her pulling her in for a hug.

"I am. I just got back from lunch and I was going to get all my paperwork done and leave." She told him as he let go.

"Well, I can wait for you." He smiled at her as he rubbed her stomach.

It was the first time he had seen her in person since she broke his heart. 

He smiled noticing Ivy was telling the truth about how big Sady had gotten.

They all exited the elevator.

"Bye Kyle." Sady waved to him nearly forgetting that they had just had lunch together.

"Bye Sady. Remember raincheck." He winked at her.

Rico mugged him as Kyle turned around and hurriedly walked off. 

"What tha fuck y 'all rain checkin?" He asked with an attitude.

"Rico don't even start. He asked me out when we went to lunch. I tried to turn him down nicely and told him a raincheck for another time." She told him.

"Asked out huh? That shit dead." Rico told her as he walked behind her.

"You can't tell me what's dead or not." Sady looked back at him.

"Like I said dead. Either you goin to dead it or ima dead him." He told her with a blank face.

Sady didn't bother to argue knowing how Rico could be. Although they weren't together she had no intentions of getting into a relationship after rejecting him or while she was pregnant with his child. She knew how jealous Rico was when it came to her.

Sady had also grown to notice whenever they argued he gave her bad anxiety causing her to throw up or get a headache from being stressed. She figured simply avoiding things with him was much easier. Sady's day had been good so far so she wouldn't let his jealousy get in the way.

"Rico you get on my nerves sometimes." She told him as he grabbed her hand.

"I know it." He told her kissing her cheek.

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