A hard place

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A few weeks had passed since Sady's aunt and uncle had left.

Both she and Rico were busy more than ever since he was rarely at the trap and spent most of his days traveling she had the kids most of the time. She was doing the same routine they had been used to except with a lot less of Rico.

Sady would get all the kids up and ready with the help of Reese. Then drop them off. First the twins to Vanessa or Auntie Bean depending on the day. From there she dropped off Reese, Quay, and Ivy before making her way to work.

Rico normally would help but the last week left him out of town and not really that much he could do. Sady told him she didn't mind but he felt like he was missing out on so much even though it had only been a week. He video-chatted every morning and night until she fell asleep since he missed sleeping next to her.

"Okay, Rico we gotta go or were goin to be late." Sady told him trying to end their Facetime.

"Pass the phone to Reese it doesn't mean we can't talk like we normally do every morning." He said as Sady did what he asked.

"Good mornin big head. You don't like to make it easy for her." Reese rolled her eyes.

"Can a man miss his family?" Rico told her.

"You literally come back tomorrow. Do you still have the next week off?" She asked as she grabbed one of the twins and headed out of the SUV with Sady and the kids.

"Yup and then you can challenge me to a game finally." Rico laughed.

Reese had been trying to get her brother to play her one on one. He said he would but she would have to be a worthy opponent.  With everything looking up for everyone Rico figured she definitely deserved a game with all the hard work and help she had been putting in.

"You gettin old big bro. I'm finna have to snap them kneecaps." Reese told him as Sady and the kids laughed loudly.

"Aye don't do my daddy." Quay told her.

"But Quay daddy is gettin old." Ivy chimed in as they all laughed.

Sady headed to the other side of town and dropped all the kids off before getting off the phone with Rico and headed into work already ready to get off.

She knew with it being Friday that her day and time would pass quickly and it did.

"See you." She waved to he coworkers as she exited the building.

Sady looked outside and realized it was a beautiful day. It hadn't looked this nice in a while as she decided maybe she could be a little late picking up the kids and walking around the block before leaving.

Sady glanced into a nearby store seeing all the baby clothes nearly leaving her on the verge of going shopping. After telling herself no she made her way back down the block only to see Rio walking her way.

Sady was unsure of what to do but she knew he was the last person she wanted to run into. Instead of saying anything she just looked the other way and continued walking.

"Woow so you really goin to act like you ain't see me." Rio asked as she tried to continue.

He lightly grabbed her arm.

"What?" She turned around seeing him smiling at her.

"So you hate me now too?" Rio asked.

"Rio you're just drama. I told you yawl should dead yawl issue instead you egg him on." Sady rolled her eyes.

She expected more out of a grown man.

"You think that my anger not goin towards the right person and that's not it." Rio tried to explain to her.

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