Good morning.

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It was the last two days of their trip and Sady couldn't lie things were going better than expected.

She was able to take time to help clean Vanessa and Kevin's house, to help with baby Alan. They even got his sleep schedule worked out all within a few days. Meanwhile, Rico had been to see Ivy every day, and last night Sady let her spend the night with him for the first time. She was honestly terrified but she trusted he wouldn't let anything happen to her.

"Where is TTs baby?" Vanessa walked into the kitchen with Baby Alan in her arms as Sady made breakfast.

"Girl. She's with her 'daddy'." Sady said mocking her.

"You mean y 'all daddy?" Vanessa laughed as she nursed her son.

"Y 'all not going to let that ONE MISTAKE go I see." Sady passed her a plate.

*ding ding. The doorbell rang.

"I'll get it. I've been waiting on him to bring Ivy." She headed to the front door.

"Mommy!" Her daughter jumped in her arms still in her PJs.

"Baby!" She swooped her up.

"What y 'all cookin?" Rico invited himself in.

"Good mornin to u too." Sady shut the door.

"Good mornin Nessa. And baby boy." He walked over giving them a hug.

Although they were on good terms technically He was still mad at Sady from last night. When he came to get Ivy he thought she was coming to. He knew she knew he wanted her. But no matter what it was she made sure they were never alone. It was either her sister, the baby, or their daughter. He figured they could put Ivy in the guest room or Quay's room if he could get Sady to come.

"How you come here lookin for a plate and don't even greet the cook." She told him shaking her head as she seated Ivy.

"Oh good mornin, Sady I didn't notice you." He smiled.

"Boy shut up you just mad." She told him as she grabbed Ivy's plate and then his.

"Yup." He said childishly as she and Vanessa laughed and Ivy joined in.

"Dang that's how y 'all do me? Baby girl?" He looked to Ivy who continued to giggle.

"So I was wondering before we leave if she going to meet your family? If not that's fine we can figure it out the next time she visits. But Uhm I'd like her to meet her sibling or siblings?" She asked him as he finished eating.

He nodded with food in his mouth.

"Well if you would've given me the chance to talk to you last night." He started.

Vanessa chuckled. "Yeah talk. Here change him for me? I'm going to give Ivy some love this morning and help her get ready."

She rushed over to her niece covering her face in kisses.

"You wanna come wit TT to get ready?" She smiled hugging her.

"Yea are you bringing Alan too?!?" She jumped in her arms.

"No, he's going to get some TT time from your mom." She started to head to the guest room with her.

Rico turned back over to see Sady was now in the living room with the baby changing him.

"Hey mans." He walked over cooing at the baby.

"So?" She asked him.

"So what?" He asked.

"Her siblings?" She asked him.

"You think you fuckin funny Sady?" He turned to her.

"Nigga you act like you don't have another kid or something. I don't know if you had any other kids since I been gone." She stood up rocking the baby.

"Chill out, I only got her and my son." He told her rubbing her thigh.

She moved over out of his reach and headed to the kitchen with the baby on her chest.

"Man come on stop playing wit me." Rico walked up behind her wrapping her in his arms.

"Rico I'm not playin wit you. I told you it was a mistake...what happened." She told him as he pushed his face into her neck.

Baby Alan lay sleeping on her chest. Her heart was racing as he moved in her arms.

"Okay." He told her as he kissed her neck and squeezed her hips before pulling away.

Sady felt the heat radiating between them.

"Well, I was seeing if y'all wanted to come to my family cookout today. From there she can meet her big brother." He asked her.

"I was just thinking meeting your family can be a you and her thing. I'm not tryna be there and it be weird." She told him honestly.

She knew very well how he felt about her keeping his daughter away. She could only imagine how everyone else felt. She didn't want to go there as the odd man out.

"Look you ain't got nothing to worry bout. They don't know none of my business except my cousin Tay. He talked to me about it. Told me to put myself in your shoes. I mean I get it although I wish shit was different.. but we are here now and that's my daughter. I would like you to come. Your sister can too. You wouldn't even have to be there long. Just so she can meet my people. Her people's." He tried to convince her.

"Okay." She agreed not entirely sure of her decision.

Sady wasn't sure if she would regret but she figured at least she could see how his family was and see who she would be comfortable with her daughter being around.

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