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"Who is this?" Auntie Bean walked up to the group.

"My bad auntie this my baby momma Sady. And that's my lil girl Ivy over there." He pointed to her running around with Quay.

"Excuse me I'm the mother of his child. I'm no baby momma." Sady corrected him as she shook her hand.

His aunt waved at the children playing.

"Mhhmmm... and where this child come from?" She asked looking from Sady to Rico.

"She's mine." Rico swiftly answered as his aunt turned to Sady.

"How you know?" She asked them as she still stared at Sady.

"Well I live in California and it was my first time back home in some years. Me and Rico decided on DNA test before she met everyone so yeah. Here we are." She told her fidgeting.

His aunt eyed her for a moment before breaking into a smile.

"Well I'm glad you wanted to do a DNA test but that girl looks just like him." She pulled her in for a hug. "I'm Tammy everyone calls me Auntie Bean it's nice to meet you."

"Thank you." She chuckled nervously caught off by her response.

"Y 'all not hungry?" She asked them before they all nodded and headed outside for some food.

They all ate and danced the day away before Auntie Bean announced a toast.

"I want to announce we have a new family member visiting. Rico has a baby girl out in Cali who is visiting for the first time. I WANT EVERYONE TO SAY HEY IVY!" She told them as she picked up Ivy in her arms and they all complied.

"Hey IVY!" They all cheered

"Welcome Home!" She led them.

"WELCOME HOME!" They all cheered.

Ivy hugged the woman and waved at everyone from the porch as she put her back down.

Ivy smiled happily as she jumped into her brother's arms clapping.

Sady could tell that today was a good day for Ivy and was happy she was able to meet her extended family.

A short while later while the kids were playing in the yard with sparklers Jasmine showed up in her booty shorts and tank top to say she was ready to pick up Quay.

"Hey, baby daddy." She smiled as Quay ran over.

"You here a day early?" He looked at her squinting his eyes. 

He didn't know what she was up to.

"Yea. I missed him so I came to get my baby." She told him as Quay made it in front of them.

"Bye Uncle Tay." He hugged him before making it to his dad and sister.

"Bye, you guys. I love you dad! I love you sister!" He hugged them.

Jasmine rolled her eyes.

She had already heard about his daughter so Rico didn't understand why she was acting childish when they weren't even together anymore and his daughter happened outside of their relationship.

"Chill out." Rico told her.

"Oh, Sady. I didn't even see you over there." Jasmine said trying to be messy.

"Hello, Jasmine." Sady told her.

"What's it been 4 maybe 5 years?" She asked.

"Yup." Sady was short with her as she wanted to avoid any drama.

"So what brings you here? Leftovers?" She chuckled putting her hand on Rico's shoulder as he brushed it off.

Rico had told Jasmine that he had a daughter but never mentioned who he had a child with. Jasmine not knowing was killing her until she put two and two together realizing it was Sady when she arrived with Sean. 

"I wouldn't know about that. You kno I like fresh food. I guess you're here for Sloppy Seconds. I mean leftovers." She side-eyed her.

Jasmine sucked her teeth.

"Bye beautiful." Quay hugged Sady interrupting the two women.

"By-" Sady started.

"What tha fuck is wrong wit you?" Jasmine snatched Quay off of Sady.

"You're hurting him." Ivy cried.

"Owww!" Quay cried out as she twisted his arm more.

Ivy ran over trying to push Jasmine's hand off her brother's only to be pushed back and fell onto the lawn.

Sady jumped up picking up Ivy off the grass and brushing her off.

"Jas what the fuck is wrong wit u?" Rico snatched her arm off of Quays.

Before she could say another word Sady held her by the throat.

It happened so quickly Jasmine nor Rico knew what to do as Sady pulled back her other hand and punched Jasmine in her face knocking her out.

It was pure silence as Sady let her go.

"Can you grab the kids?" Rico turned to Reese who stood nearby and rushed to grab her niece and nephew's little hands leading them into the house.

"Dayum." Most of his relatives let out as his best friend Sean ran over picking Jasmine up.

"Bro I'll take her extra ass home." Sean shook his head as if he wasn't the same person who brought her there.

"Bro, why did you even bring her?" Rico shook his head as he helped him carry her.

"She said she needed a ride and already planned on comin." He explained as they got her into the car.

"Tell her ass to get her shit together before she call me." He dapped him up.

Rico returned back to the party and apologized to everyone. 

Aunt Tammy forgave him and told him Quay could spend the nights there with his sister Reese.

"Sady what is yo problem?" Rico asked her after everything settled down.

"Look I'm not in the mood for your shit Rico. One thing I will never play about is my daughter. Plus I don't like how she did Quay." She admitted still mad.

"Don't be out here doin shit like that in front of my kids man." He told her scolding.

"I didn't mean too." Sady shook her head knowing she had overstepped hitting Jasmine. 

She knew better than fighting in front of kids. 

"Well, the shit is already done." Ari smacked her gum as Tay chuckled.

"Yo shorty ass deserved it tho." Tay shook his head.

Rico couldn't help but chuckle cause he knew they were right. 

Sady was still pissed Jasmine knocked over Ivy but she also didn't like how she snatched Quay up either. After some help from Ari and pleas from Ivy, Quay, and Reese; Rico was able to convince Sady to stay and enjoy the rest of the night

They all drank and danced the night away. Sady called Vanessa checking in on her and the baby before she let her know that she would be coming in later than she expected. Vanessa was just happy to hear they were safe and having fun.

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