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"Why didn't you tell me you were moving here?" Rico asked Sady as they walked through the mall.

"Cause yo ass had the biggest attitude the other day." She admitted.

"I didn't. Well, maybe I did. My bad. Yo ass be havin me moody sometimes. Playing these games." He turned looking at her as they walked.

"Rico my life isn't a game. The same goes for our kids. I still stand by you havin a lot goin on and I'm not dealin wit that shit." Sady told him shooting a glare.

She was still pissed that yesterday he brought Ivy to the trap with him and Quay. 

On top of him bringing her there he brought her around some girl who seemed to be obsessed with making their daughter her own.

When he dropped Ivy off she filled her mother in on how he took her to his 'job'. After being there running around playing with Quay her 'daddy's new girlfriend' did her hair since it looked "wild". Sady wasn't mad at the style or the fact her hair was done. It was the fact Rico had Ivy looking unkept on top of bringing her to the trap which she already asked him not to do. To top it off he was bringing their daughter around some girl he was fucking without even speaking to Sady about it first.

She rolled her eyes not really surprised by anything he did anymore. She was just tired of the shit when they were just on better terms. Sady was trying her best not to be in her feelings, especially with the kids around, and the fact they met out in public she knew she would have to wait to address his situation later.

"Here you go with this again." Rico sighed as they continued walking.

The kids were a few feet in front of them.

"You really don't get it. I'm not Jasmine, Rico. Dead ass, I'm not these other bitches either. I let a lot of shit slide but I'm not finna be livin in the same state and dealin wit your shit.  I got our kids to worry about. First off I told yo ass not to bring Ivy over there in the first place. You do what you want but you will not be dragging my baby in it. Nor Quay or these twins. I don't give a fuck what you got goin on. If your auntie not available; take em to my sister's, she has no problem with Quay being there. You can even call me but don't ever do that shit again." She told him irritated but remaining calm.

Rico rolled his eyes.

"You think I'm fuckin playin til Ivy don't be around yo ass no more." Sady told him calmly.

"Yo chill. I hear you okay. I won't do that shit no more. Obviously little miss tattle tale." Rico said pointing at their daughter who walked ahead of them hand in hand with her brother.

"First off don't do my baby. She gonna tell me everything. Period." She told him still irritated but not showing it.

"Damn, Sady I hear you okay?" Rico looked at her.

"Yea ight, nigga." She told him walking off and grabbing the kid's hands.

Rico could have sworn Ivy promised not to say anything. He couldn't help but smirk that Sady was right. Kids would be kids and as much as she was a daddy's girl she was her mom's best friend. He frowned realizing that If Ivy told her about the trap he could only imagine her telling Sady about Caroline.

"Fuck." He said out loud thinking to himself.

Caroline had been trying to be all up under him lately. He hadn't seen her in a few days in between Ivy and Sady's arrival and the trap so she took it upon herself to come visit. He was low-key happy to see her really. Of course, he fucked her. It was just how they were. It was just what they did. Caroline had been around a lot more lately so his people were used to her showing up and so was he.

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