Prom me please.

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"Look at my god baby!" Sady cooed at the baby as she tried to snatch him out of Reese's arms.

Ari had given birth early that morning and everyone was still at the hospital waiting to meet the newest member of their family.

"Dang can I at least hold him." Reese laughed at Sady.

"Whatever, baby hog you had him for like 10 minutes." She stuck out her tongue as they both laughed.

"Yawl gimme my son cause now yawl doin to much." Ari laughed sticking her arms out.

"Girl good luck gettin him back." Sady laughed as Reese finally passed him to her.

"And you got two whole babies comin." Ari told her.

"Please don't remind me." Sady lifted her hand as they laughed.

"I'm just sayin. I saw you and Rico lookin real good comin up in here actin like y 'all a couple. Lil happy family." Ari told her.

"Big happy family." Reese smiled correcting her.

"What I miss?" Sady asked looking at them both.

"Girl stop. You be all up on him.  I saw yawl kiss and errything at my baby shower." Ari teased her.

"I thought we was here to celebrate my new nephew Amir not gossip." Sady laughed.

"Yea okay. She don't wanna admit it." Reese and Ari laughed.

"Y 'all gossip too much." Sady rolled her eyes.

"It ain't gossip if it is true." Reese told her as she ran out of the room.

Rico walked in smiling like he was on cloud nine.

"Wassup?" He asked confused looking at Ari and then Sady.

"Nothin we was just talkin bout yawls ' big family'. " Ari chuckled as Sady passed her back the baby.

Sady flicked her off.

"What I miss?" Rico asked smirking.

"Oh, nothin. So you was tryna rush me outta here and you was takin longer than me." Sady told him.

"Yea we finna leave in like 10 minutes. I had to talk wit Tay for a minute. You know Dad shit. Auntie going to take them for us kids tonight." Rico told her.

"For what?" Sady asked.

"Cause we got plans." He smiled.

"Yea, big plans." Ari mocked her as Sady laughed.


"Nessa y 'all almost done?!" Rico yelled up the stairs.

"Nigga don't yell in my house. She almost done dang big thirsty hold on." Vanessa told him irritated as she stood at the top of the stairs.

"My bad I forgot the baby was sleep." He said in a loud whisper,

"Hurry up our reservations is in 20." He rushed them.

"Rico you act like I haven't eaten already." Sady laughed quietly at the top of the stairs as he took. He took his phone out.

"I told you we got plans." He smiled looking at her, taking photos.

Her hair was curled and makeup was done. Sady had Vanessa help her with her makeup as she did a white and gold theme with lashes. Rico had surprised her with a dress after they left the hospital saying he wanted to take her somewhere. She couldn't figure it out as he passed her an all-white formal gown that he had altered to fit her bump. She didn't get a good look at it until she got into it. Sady had to admit he did well and she loved it.

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