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"Auntie Nessa!" Ivy ran up the porch stairs to her aunt.

"Hello, beautiful!" Vanessa pulled her into her arms and swung her around.

"Auntie Nessa where's Uncle Kevin?" She giggled into her chest.

"He's upstairs with your baby cousin; are you ready to see him in person?" She smiled.

"Yeah!" She said loudly before nearly jumping out of Vanessa's arms to run upstairs.

"Uncle KEVIN! Baby COUSIN!" She yelled going upstairs.

"Hey, sis." Sady hugged her as they both laughed at Ivy.

"Hey, baby sis. How you been?" She asked her.

"Good and tired. Can you imagine on the way here she claimed she was oh so tired. Now look at her." She said as they made their way into the house and headed upstairs.

"Hey Sady!" Kevin said standing up and giving his sister-in-law a hug. 

He was a tall bulky man with glasses.

"Hey, bro. How's fatherhood treatin you?" She asked him looking down at her baby nephew.

He turned out to be the perfect combination of the two of them. He was a chocolate baby with dimples like her and her sister.

"Hey, Alan." She cooed at him sweeping him out of Ivy's arms.

"That's my baby." She pouted.

"Stop whining and you can hold him with me." Sady said taking a seat in the rocking chair. Ivy climbed in wanting to make sure she didn't miss a moment. She was excited about her baby cousin and she wouldn't hear anyone taking him from her.

They spent the rest of the day in the baby's room before Vanessa and Kevin had to pry them away for dinner.

Kevin planned on leaving tomorrow on a business trip for about a week so it lined up perfectly with Sady's vacation. They both didn't want to leave Vanessa alone with a New baby so they decided it was best she came during the week he was going on a trip.

"Can I watch TV now that I'm finished eatin?" Ivy asked them.

"Yeah boo, the remote is on the table in there. Lemme know if you need help." Vanessa told her niece who nodded.

"So when do you plan on meeting with her father?" Vanessa jumped directly to the point.

She had changed over the years but one thing for certain her directness hadn't. Vanessa met Kevin a few years ago while dancing and after some time he convinced her to quit and promised to take care of her. She was iffy at first but once she finally came around to the idea he held up his end of the bargain. He made good money and was a simple man who only wanted her to pursue a future outside of dancing whatever it may be.

"Well ...Uhm. I ran into him today." She announced leaving them both in shock as they waited for her to give more details.

"So?" Kevin asked waiting for the details just as much as his wife.

"Well, he didn't see her at first. Then she hopped out of the damn car. He was lookin at her like he knew something was up. Then I left." She told them sipping her drink with the last sentence.

"What do you mean you left?" He asked.

She remained silent.

"Sady did you not tell him he had a child at all?" Her sister asked confused.

It was quiet as they looked at her for an answer.

"Uhm no. I tried it just didn't work out," she tried to explain before her sister and brother-in-law met her with judgmental looks.

"Woooow." Her sister shook her head.

"That's pretty fucked up Sady." Kevin chimed in.

"You guys I didn't know how. It was one night. We were young. He was already having a baby and on top of that he lives a dangerous life. I moved to Cali. I was just getting accepted into college." She tried to reason.

"Still?" Vanessa asked disappointed.

"Yea Sads he has a right to know." He shook his head.

"I tried to message him when he gave me his number. I texted him the next day and he blocked me. On everything. And I mean iPhone, Ig, Facebook, Twitter all of it. I mean I didn't even get to say anything to him. I tried to talk to his best friend he told me to just leave him alone. So I figured he just didn't want to hear from me." She said a little sad.

"Aww boo. I didn't mean to get down on you like that. I can understand it was hard but it's long overdue that he knows about her. You can't just choose for him not to be in her life." She told her sister with a look of compassion.

"Sady, look when guys are young and get hurt sometimes we don't know how to handle it. He was just prolly mad. You should tell him tho. Fa real. I couldn't imagine having a baby out here and not taking care of it. Plus look at her she's beautiful smart and healthy." He tried to support her. Although he was disappointed in her cause she is family he could only imagine her situation.

Sady left nearly five years ago and a few months after she made it to her uncles and aunts in Cali she found out she was pregnant. The first thing they did was blame it on her sister and say it was all her fault. She tried to explain but since she was under their roof they forced her to change her number and restricted her from talking to her or anyone back home. It wasn't until it was nearly time for her to have the baby that they allowed her to come visit. It's worked out because they all had a long talk about getting rid of their problems and Vanessa was able to stay for the birth of her niece.

When Vanessa first asked where Ivy's father was. Sady said she didn't think he would be in the picture since he blocked her. Vanessa never thought to question more than that. She just knew no matter what she would be there for them both. She figured her sister wouldn't choose to be a single parent like their dad had so if she needed support she would be that no matter how far.

"I plan on going to see Ari tomorrow so I'm thinking she can tell me where to find him. I just can't believe I ran out like I did." She told them putting her head in her hands.

"Well put your big girl pants on and get your shit together." Her sister told her as she squeezed her hand and got up from the table.

"Together.." Kevin chuckled following behind his wife.

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