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Rico saw Sady's phone going off and it was Vanessa calling. He hopped out of bed and saw it was already 12. He figured her sister was probably worried so he would call her back.

He swiped her phone realizing she didn't even have a password.

He took his time going through her phone. She wasn't texting anyone special. Her photos were Ight he thought. He sent himself some of them before she could realize it.

"Wassup Nessa?" Rico called her stepping into the hallway.

He looked back Sady was still deep asleep.

"Where is my sister?" She asked.

"Her ass asleep. She locked me out of the room and I got her phone." He lied.

"I don't know why she be tryna act like she don't like you. Just give her sometime. So uh did y'all talk last night?" She asked him. Rico knew exactly what she was referring to.

"Not really. I'm hopin later. I'ma come get Ivy and her some clothes." He told her changing the subject.

"What happened to her clothes?" Vanessa was concerned.

"Same thing I asked her. Was it you or Ari who dressed her?" He asked with an attitude as she laughed.

"You know Ari my young protege whippa snappa." Vanessa laughed.
Sady heard Ivy's laugh as she woke up.

She looked over for the phone and it was gone. 

She pulled herself off the bed and peeked out into the hallway to see Ivy and Quay playing.

Rico walked from the kitchen giving the kids some food as he looked down the hall and spotted Sady.

His eyes lit up as he grabbed her bag and brought it over to her with her phone.

"It's 6 at night?" She asked shocked.

"Yeah, I figured you were tired." He told her as he grabbed the bag.

He pushed her into the room shutting the door behind them as he kissed her.

"Rico stop." She told him pushing him.

"What?" He was confused as if they hadn't just made love all morning.

"Rico, I'm keeping the baby." She blurted out.

He smiled.

"But I don't think we can be together." She told him rushing into the bathroom.

His smile was erased.

Rico just couldn't get why Sady was so scared. He loved her and he knew she loved him but she still fought for them not to be together.

He left the room and let her shower in peace before heading out to the living room with the kids.
Sady didn't say much to Rico for the rest of the night. Anytime he tried to speak with her she tried to avoid him or put distance between each other. It was nearly 9 o'clock before she came to speak to him.

"Can you take me home soon? Ivy can stay wit you and I can pick her up before our flight tomorrow." She told him not even looking his way.

He looked over to the kids playing and decided this would be the only time he could try talking to her again.

"Sady you really not tryna be wit me? Yo ass know you love me. You know I wanna be wit you." He told her grabbing her hand.

Sady didn't argue or fight she turned to him with a look of sadness.

Sady Baby [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now