Job hunting

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Sady had gone to a few interviews since arriving but had no luck. This morning she heard from her job's sister company and rescheduled her appointment so she could make it to the interview. Rico was a little disappointed but he tried to be understanding. Sady hated putting it off because she wanted to know just as bad as him what they were having. They had to reschedule for next week since the doctor was booked but she figured five more days wouldn't kill them.

Sady had understood Rico's confusion and couldn't really blame him since she told him they wouldn't be together. She still felt some type of way but thought it was best to stay with her sister for the time being. She didn't know if it was him or just her emotions so she didn't want to complicate things further. They had been rotating Ivy every few days and today she planned on picking her up later from his house.

She found herself scrolling through Facebook only to see Rico tagged in a few pictures that Caroline had posted.

She rolled her eyes she was still itching to beat her ass. She figured as long as he didn't have their daughter around her whatever he did with her was his business.

She pulled up to her sister's and walked in the house sweeping her nephew into her arms and spinning around.

Sady giggled watching her sister as Kevin remained hugged up by his wife.

"Lemme guess you got the job?" Vanessa asked.

"Yup. Making 3 dollars more than my last job with benefits and hear this childcare." She smiled. Sady had truly felt that nothing could ruin her mood for the day.

"Congratulations sis!" Kevin high-fived her.

"Yes, baby girl congratulations!" Vanessa agreed.

"Now I'm going to get my baby later and we can all go out to eat to celebrate on me!" Sady told them.

"I thought we pay for it?" Kevin asked confused. He had grown to not only spoil his wife but extended the same gesture to his sister-in-law and niece.

"Yes let us treat you." Vanessa nodded.

"You guys already do so much please let me take you guys all out." She smiled and they nodded.

"I'm going chill for a bit. I'm takin my lil man til I gotta get ready cool?" She smiled walking down the hall with her nephew in her arms not giving them the chance to respond.

They laughed knowing she could be a baby hog sometimes.

After Rico dropped Quay, Ivy, and Caroline off to his aunts nearby he headed to meet his new connect.

He didn't know too much about him but he heard he had the best product in the States.

Rico sat contemplating why Sady would leave. He figured he had done everything he could to make her comfortable but it was never enough. He shook his head trying to get her off his mind. He just hoped he didn't hear her mouth about Caroline. He dropped the kids off but Caroline was trying to tag along with him. He didn't have enough time to drop her off so he figured what damage could she do while he was gone.

He pulled up to the docks and was met by a tall slim Hispanic man.

"Hey amigo. Pull to the back." He motioned to him with his hand.

Rico wasn't a scary dude but something about his vibe was off. He then realized he probably should have brought Tay with him as backup.

He pulled to the back and was met by a group of four men.

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