Crazy Crazy

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The two didn't fall asleep immediately. They spent the next few hours holding, talking and catching up on all that had taken place in the last five years.

Rico found out that Sady went to college and finished getting a degree in Anesthesiology making good money. Sady learned Rico had invested his street money as a backup and planned on retiring from the game in the next two years. Rico asked about her family who helps with his daughter while she asked about his sister and wondered where she stayed if she didn't live with him.

"Me and my Auntie Bean thought it would be best that she stayed with her. She comes here on weekends and normally I use her as a babysitter for Quay." He smiled intertwining her fingers with his.

"Aww okay. I get it. She is a teen girl now." She nodded.

"So your aunt and uncle watch Ivy while you're at work?" He asked wanting to know more about his daughters day to day life.

"Yea, mostly my aunt. My uncle hasn't been doing too well. So he just enjoys spending time with her when he's up for it." Sady admitted.

"So what happened after me?" Rico asked.

He wanted to know if there was anyone else he had to get Sady's heart from.

"What you mean?" Sady asked confused.

"Like were there other men around my daughter? Are you dating? Who do I need to kill?" He asked nonchalantly.

Sady chuckled.

"I've only had one serious relationship and he's no longer around. Ivy seen him a few times but that's about it." She told him.

"Uhm hmm." He told her.

"Anyways. What about you?" Sady asked him.

"Nothin serious. Just some girls in my past. But you.. You it." He told her smiling.

She couldn't help but smile back.

"Rico whatever." She slapped his chest.

"Man you gone stop playin wit me and see." He told her kissing her again.


Sady woke up to the sun beaming in her face and laughter in the room.

She looked over to Ivy and Quay on the edge of the bed laughing and watching cartoons.

Sady was about to get up before she realized she was naked under the sheets.

"Good morning loves!" Sady smiled at them.

"Good morning!" They told her.

"Where's your dad?" She asked them.

"He said he would be right back." Ivy announced.

"I think he went to the store." Quay nodded.

She wrapped the sheet around her body, grabbed her phone and clothes, and headed to the bathroom in his room.

She turned on the shower and called Vanessa.

"Hey. How are you doing?" she answered on the first ring.

"Are you okay?" Sady asked confused.

"Yeah. I'm good. Me and Rico had a good talk last night. Told me he wanted some family time." Sady said.

"Y 'all did it didn't y 'all?" Vanessa chuckled.

"You know I hate you." Sady laughed.

She finished checking up on her sister and the baby before she peeked out to see the kids still watching tv. She got in the shower and grabbed some of Rico's clothes to put on. She figured since he was bringing her car she knew she left a bag with some of their clothes in the trunk and could get changed then.

"Whose hungry? " She peaked her head out of the bathroom spying on them playing.

"Us!" they said together making her laugh.

"Okay let's go see what y 'all daddy got." She told them opening the door.

They rummaged through his kitchen and as to be expected it was a man's house with barely anything to make.

"Daddy has no food?" Ivy asked confused.

"He never has good stuff.. Cause dad can't cook." Quay told them as they started to laugh.

"Okay let's order something." Sady told them as she picked up her phone.

The kids went into their room to play as Sady made herself comfortable in the bedroom waiting on the food to arrive.

Nearly 10 minutes later they heard the door close and they all rushed down the hall to see an unknown woman entering pulling suitcases in behind her.

"Uhm excuse me? Sady said causing the woman to look up.

Her eyes filled with rage as she rushed towards Sady.

"Kids go in your room and lock the door til your dad comes." She told them as the woman rushed up before she smacked her.

Sady looked back making sure the kids door was shut before she cocked her fist back and punch the woman in the face.

The woman stumbled before catching her balance lunging at Sady again.

Sady pushed her back.

"Look I don't know who you are but I'm really not tryna beat yo ass so please leave." Sady told her.

"Bitch this is my house!" She ran back towards Sady who gave her a two-piece causing her to fall.

Sady could tell the girl wasn't a real fighter but she was crazy to think of coming in and attacking her, especially with the kids in the house.

"Wait so you live here with Rico?" Sady was confused because if she stayed here why did Quay have the same look of horror Ivy had?

The woman scrambled in the kitchen looking for a weapon. 

She grabbed a knife and wiped her bleeding lip.

"He's my baby daddy bitch!" The girl spat out before Rico walked in.

He was confused seeing anyone other than Sady and their kids in his house.

"Sarah? What the fuck are you doin in my house?" He looked down at her suitcases and from her to Sady.

"Who tha fuck is she?!" Sarah asked looking at Sady in Rico's clothes.

"That's my baby momma. Again why the fuck are you in my house?" He walked up to her as she crazily swung the knife accidentally stabbing him in his side.

"Ah" He let out as he watched the blood drip from him.

Sady was now concerned with the woman as she looked at the woman no longer holding the knife, punched her, and continued punching her knocking her out.

She looked over to see Rico bleeding out as he held onto the wall and the kids looking out of their room.

"Shut the door!" She told them as she hurriedly called 911.

She ran to the kitchen grabbing a towel. 

She didn't want to remove the knife causing him to bleed out so she tried to press down just enough to stop the excessive bleeding. He started passing out by the time the paramedics and police arrived. One handcuffing the woman and the other putting Rico in the ambulance.

"Ma'am are you wanting to ride with or to follow." They asked her.

"I have kids. I'll follow." She grabbed her keys that lay on the floor.

Sady rushed into the room, grabbed the kids before taking them to the car, and buckled them up before heading to the hospital right behind the ambulance.

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