Date me?

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"Sady it does not take all this time." Rico watched her getting ready in the mirror.

"Well, you wanted to date me right?" Sady asked as she finished her makeup.

"Yes, exactly we are not going to no grand opening." Rico sucked his teeth already dressed.

He wore a casual t-shirt and jeans with Jordan's while Sady was still undecided.

"Well, you ain't tell me where so how am I suppose to know how to dress up?" Sady asked.

"Sady just get dressed it's really just some regular shit. If you don't come on I'm pass you one of them maternity outfits your brother sent." Rico laughed.

Her brother Trey had been nothing like they had expected. He was really big on family and was excited that theirs was expanding.  As a surprise, he sent the girls clothes. All of them liked their gifts but Sady who was sad to receive maternity dresses that were double her size.

"Fine. I'll hurry up but don't bring those dresses in here." She huffed as Rico walked away chuckling.

After another 30 minutes of rushing her Sady was dressed and ready to go.

"See look at  you lookin all cute and what not." Rico waited on the bed for her.

"Dang Rico why I feel like you rushed me the entire time." She whined.

She wore her hair in loose curls and had a full face of makeup. Her outfit is what took the longest. After many failed options she decided on a cute top and some leggings.

"Yeah, cause you took way longer than expected c'mon." He pulled her out of the room and down the stairs.

"Have fun!" Vanessa waved them off laughing.

"Where are we going to?" Sady asked as they buzzed through traffic.

"Well if yo ass didn't make us late we would be going to a few places but we will just settle on the main thing." He told her looking at her.

"Don't blame me. You wanted to go right after droppin the kids off." Sady reminded him.

"Cause ain't nothin stoppin my dates." Rico smiled proudly.

Sady rolled her eyes.

"Plus yo ass would prolly try to run away to avoid letting me take you out." Rico and Sady both laughed knowing how she could be sometimes.

"What is this?" Sady asked as they pulled into an area near a park.

"Can we at least get out of the car?" Rico laughed.

He got out and helped Sady get out of the car.

"Nigga please don't be out here tryna kill me." Sady looked at him with a serious face.

"As bad as I want to sometimes I'd never try it.  Rico told her.

"Uhm hmm." Sady side-eyed him.

"Close your eyes." Rico told her.

"You know ima be so mad if I die like this." Sady told him joking covering her closed eyes with her hands.

Rico let down the bed of his truck as he grabbed a blanket from the back and spread it out. He had grabbed some lights earlier and put them around the bed of his truck and in the back as he grabbed snacks and containers of food.

"Is it a buffet?" Sady rocked side to side as she smiled and Rico laughed.

"Don't be too excited fatty. You goin to get my babies disappointed." Rico told her removing her hands from her eyes.

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