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Sady was glad to be home as her aunt and uncle picked her and Ivy up from the airport.

"How was your trip?" They asked as they got into the car.

"It was amazing!!!" Ivy said.

"Was it now?" Sady's Aunt Carol asked.

She was her uncle's wife but she loved Sady as if she was her very own.

"Yup. I got to meet my daddy and my brother." She told them as she was being buckled in her car seat.

Sady's aunt and uncle both shot a look in Sady's direction.

They were certain he was out of the picture but also curious to know where he had been all these years.

"Long story." She told them as they both nodded knowing that the conversation was not meant for Ivy's ears.

The weather was beautiful as they looked out the window watching the scenery change by street.

After about 15 minutes they arrived at Sady's place as she and her aunt grabbed the bags and her uncle helped Ivy up the stairs.

It didn't take long before she had unpacked and got the chance to speak with her aunt and uncle while Ivy went to her room to call her dad and brother.

"So who is this guy?" Her uncle asked.

Sady couldn't help but smile at his protectiveness. 

Although they've bumped heads over the years she knew that they both loved her a lot and she was forever grateful for the help they gave not only her but her daughter.

"He was a guy I went to high school with. He didn't know about her until he saw me at the airport. From there he wanted to meet her. Now he told me he wants to be part of her life." She told them rushing.

"Well, how do you feel about that?" Her aunt asked.

"I don't know. He seems like a great father but he has a lot going on." She told them.

They nodded not wanting to pry at that moment.

"Well, I'm glad he wants to be active in her life." Her uncle smiled.

"Let's hope it stays that way." Her aunt chimed in.

"What is this I hear you didn't tell him about her?" Her uncle looked at her confused as her aunt awaited an answer.

"When I found out I was already here. I tried but you guys were strict. Remember?" She reminded them ." By the time I got back on social media, he blocked me. I didn't have a way to call. So I just left it alone." She told them.

Her aunt nodded.

"Were you going to ever tell him?" Her uncle asked catching her off guard by the question.

"Honestly unc I don't know. I don't want y 'all to freak out... But her dad is a dealer. He's not a bad guy really. I just really don't know about having my daughter around him involved with everything he has going on." She told them as she was thinking about Sarah showing up.

They nodded.

They didn't need to know much to understand she would never put Ivy in harm's way. Both her aunt and uncle honestly felt that they may have played a part in it taking so long to Ivy not meeting her father. They were a huge support system for Sady and Ivy. Deep down inside they both knew that if she told them about Ivy's father sooner they probably would have made things harder on her when it came to her being pregnant.

"Well give him a chance to be a father. She looks like she enjoyed herself." Her uncle told her as he grabbed her shoulder.

"Don't beat yourself up girly." Her aunt told her before continuing. "We are all humans. And you were doing what you thought was best. I'm glad you are giving him a chance but don't feel bad if you ever have to question if it's safe for her."

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