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"The fuck is goin on?" Rico paced in front of the nurse's station as they busied themselves.

"Ari, had Tay call me. Rico what happened?" Vanessa rushed over to the desk with a car seat in her arms.

"Sady's water broke while we were out. She was having some pains but kept sayin it was nothin." Rico said in frustration as he rubbed his head.

"Where is she? Are the babies okay?" She asked in a panic.

"Iono. The nurses haven't told me shit!" Rico yelled nearly waking baby Alan who sat in his car seat sleeping.

"Here take him I'll find out. Just take a few minutes to get your head in the game." Vanessa told him passing him the car seat and patting his shoulder.

It didn't take long before Vanessa returned with a young doctor by her side.

"Hey, Rico you might want to take a moment with him." Vanessa said with a look of sadness.

"What's up doc?" Rico asked rushing to switch places with Vanessa.

"Her sister tells me you are the father?" The doctor asked.

"Yes and boyfriend. What's goin on? Is she okay? Are my babies okay?" He asked.

"Sir, they are currently in critical condition. We are going to have to decide at this point it is looking like her or the babies. Her body is going into a stage of shock. Since her water broke the babies are ready to come but without her assistance. She also seems to have some sort of internal bleeding we cannot find. We believe it to be due to her uterus shifting. We have a few options we -" the doctor tried to finish before Rico cut him off.

"Y'all waited over a fuckin hour Damn near two to come to say that shit when y 'all could have been tried to save her life!" Rico was irritated.

This wasn't his first time dealing with a birth. When Jasmine was pregnant he was actively involved and read on methods of birth. When it came to Sady it had been no different. He wanted to know what to expect with two babies. Rico wasn't a dumb nigga and he knew some risks came with twins but never imagine this much. They were scheduled for a simple c-section next week. Her doctor said they looked good and didn't expect any issues so Rico could wrap his around this situation.

"Sir we are tryin to come up with a plan." The young doctor said.

"I'm tryn my hardest not to take it out on you but the love of my life is supposed to deliver our kids in a week. Everything was fine and now....." Rico paused he needed to make a plan since he felt they were ill-prepared. He wasn't going to waste time arguing when he needed to save her life "Look get the twins out of her and find someone skilled enough to locate the bleeding." Rico told him rubbing his temples and thinking of what could be tried.

"Sir, it's her or the babies." The young doctor tried to tell him again.

"Look, lil nigga iono give a fuck what you say. You not givin me no fuckin ultimatums. I just told you to have them get my twins out of her and to find a good surgeon. If it's money it's not a fuckin factor." He leaned in and lowered his voice as he looked at his name tag. " Darryl Barns, I'm fa real. Those are my fuckin babies and she's- that's my heart,  but I promise you this if I lose her or either of my twins errybody back there will feel my pain you here me?" Rico told him.

The man nodded as he tried to rush away.

Rico grabbed his arm.

"Take us back there, now." He told him firmly.

Rico's demeanor had changed. This wasn't the same young man who was going to break into pieces a few moments ago. Instead, it was a man who was filled with rage and anger. Someone willing to go to war over his family, to die for them.

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