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It was the morning of Sady's appointment and as she got ready as she heard Rico playing in the living room with Ivy.

He didn't bring Quay this time and Sady didn't want to pry as to why. 

She left her hair curly after she got out of the shower and tossed on some sweats and a t-shirt.

"Good morning." Sady told them as she came out into the living room.

"Good morning!" They told her back.

Sady was in a good mood today. She was happy Rico and she hadn't been arguing. She definitely was able to admit that things had gotten so much better between them both. Of course, he didn't like the fact they weren't together and he was still a bit jealous but he no longer stressed her out nor wanted to argue or fight. She even let him sleep in her bed and he didn't try anything with her. According to Sady, her morning was going excellent thus far.

"You guys ready?" She asked seeing that he had already gotten dressed and looked like he did the same for Ivy.

"Yup." Ivy told her as Rico nodded.

"Okay. Remember were going to my aunt and uncle's afterward. So that way they can finally meet you." Sady told him as they headed out the door.

Sady felt it was long overdue that they all met. She just didn't really think about it until she made it back home from her last visit. She knew that Rico was a little rough around the edges when he spoke sometimes but he presented and carried himself well. Sady figured he would be able to deal with her aunt and uncle for a while.

They all piled into her car before heading to her appointment.

It was a short ride there as they headed to check in with reception.

"Jones for 9 o clock." She told the woman behind the counter who nodded and checked her in.

A few short moments later a nurse came out calling them to the back.

"So how are you all doing today?" She asked them.

"We're all doing good." Sady answered as she and Rico held Ivy's hands.

"Good. Good. Give the doctor about 5 minutes and she should be in shortly." She told her after she finished her vitals.

"Hey Sady, I'm Dr. Marissa Stanton." She shook her hand before shaking Rico's waving at Ivy.

"I'm assuming this is Dad? And big sister?" She asked as they all nodded.

"Okay let's hop into it. When was your last period?" She asked.

"About 12 weeks ago?" Sady guessed.

"Okay. It looks like we missed you last month but Nurse Paige got your vitals and we should have your labs back at the end of the appointment. How about you lift up your shirt and pull those leggings down some and we can do an ultrasound and listen to a heartbeat." She told them with a smile.

Sady complied as she got the machine ready.

Ivy and Rico sat watching eagerly.

"Okay, well let's have a look." She told them as they all turned towards the monitor.

"Alright everything is looking good you guys. Look." She pointed to the screen as they all followed her finger.

"There is baby number one." She told them before moving the wand to the other side.

"And there is baby number two." She told them as Sady's mouth fell open.

Ivy giggled. "So there's two babies in mommy's stomach?"

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