...And some change

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Sady looked at the clock and saw it was almost time for work. It had been nearly a month since her visit back home and she still seemed stressed. She snuck off to the patio and lit her joint. She hadn't smoked in a while but ever since her visit back home she didn't know what it was but she needed it. She was sick every time she thought of Rico; if it wasn't a headache it was her body  literally making her throw up. The weed seemed to help mellow her out. Sady wasn't new to smoking. She had a medical license as soon as she turned 18. She had really slowed down because when she and Ivy got their own place she didn't want to smoke around her.

Sady figured she was just stressed knowing she would have to see Rico soon since Ivy's birthday was coming up next week. Things between them hadn't gotten any better since her visit. She felt as if they only got worse since she wouldn't give him his way.

Sady headed to shower and got herself ready then Ivy. 

After they ate breakfast she grabbed their bags and headed with Ivy to the car.

vrrb vrrb vrrb

vrrb vrrb vrrb

Sady's phone kept going off as they tried to make it to the car. 

It was a number she hadn't recognized so she didn't bother answering.

"I'll answer it." Ivy eagerly grabbed her phone.

"Wa-" she tried to be cut off by the person on the other end.

"What tha fuck is wrong wit you Sady?!" Rico yelled through the phone.

He wasn't even on speaker and Sady could hear his loud ass mouth.

"Daddy?" Ivy asked sounding as if she was about to cry.

"I'm sorry baby. I- Ididn't know you would answer." He told her.

"Are you mad daddy?" She asked him wiping her tears.

"Baby I'm not mad at you. You know I love you wayy too much" He told her.

Sady rolled her eyes.

Ivy giggled like a true daddy's girl not even crying any more.

"What you been doin daddy?" She asked as if she hadn't talked to him the night before and as if she wasn't just crying.

"Just been thinkin about you and when you come back home." Rico told her.

"Your funny daddy. My home is here. I live with mommy." She told him giggling.

"Not for forever." He told her.

"Like hell." Sady chimed in.

"See. I knew yo mean ass was around." He sucked his teeth and responded to her remark.

"Daddy I have to go mommy's dropping me off to Nana Candy. I love you!" She told him blowing a kiss into the phone and hopping out of the car.

Sady helped her up the stairs and kissed her goodbye.

After connecting her phone to her car she realized Rico still hadn't hung up.

"Bitch you gone get enough blocking me!" He yelled through the car speakers.

Sady sighed.

"Look I told you when you can call her Rico. I'm not finna deal wit you." She told him turning down the volume.

"Sady you actin real fuckin immature. How you going to tell me to call at 10 and at 7. You only answer at night. What tha fuck?" He asked her.

"Rico, I have a fuckin job. If you want to talk to her at 10 every fuckin day call her phone. Oh right, she doesn't have one cause she a fuckin kid." She told him as she drove.

"Sady you really act like a dumb ass bitch sometimes. You act like yo ass can't call before you drop her off. You know what! I'll buy her her own phone so she can call me." He told her irritated.

"I be fuckin tired in the morning. I gotta get ready, get her ready, make sure we have everything, eat, feed her, drop her off, and then go to work. I'm sorry my first thought isn't to call you in the morning. I literally gave you my aunt's number so you can call. You choose not to. And why the fuck would a 5-year-old have a phone?" Sady asked him.

"Why ima call someone's phone I don't know? And she needs a phone cause her dumb ass fuckin momma don't let her talk to me!" He yelled.

"I'm not finna let you stress me out or ruin my day. You literally talk to her every day. She will talk to you at 7." Sady hung up the phone.

He was getting on her fucking nerves already.

Sady knew that Rico felt some type of way but when he was mad he would get disrespectful.

She just refused to deal with his negative energy today.

vrrb vrrb vrrb.

She looked down to see an unknown number calling her.

She knew it had to be Rico.

"What Rico?" She answered as she pulled up to her job.

"Sady you really makin it hard to be nice to you." He started off.

"Nice!! Rico. You just called me out my name not once but twice-I'm honestly just tired of arguing. You doing too much. So can you please chill out." She told him calmly.

He was quiet on the other end of the phone.

"Man....Ight Sady. Just send me yo address so I can send Ivy an iPad so I can call her." He said sounding defeated.

"Okay. I'll text it now and I'll have her call you tonight when I pick her up. Remember you can literally call my aunt to talk to her." She told him before hanging up.

Sady's day went per usual. It was an easy Friday she had a few patients and then her day flew by. Before leaving she made sure she had her vacation time approved for next week and headed out of the office.

Sady had planned on flying out next Wednesday although she took a week off. She figured since Ivy's birthday was on Monday. They had the weekend and they could spend the day together maybe going to Disneyland or just do something with just the two of them.

Sady knew Rico and Vanessa wanted to do a surprise party for Ivy so Sady figured it would be fine to spend her birthday with her and she could enjoy her party once they made it to her hometown.

After work, like usual, Sady headed to her aunts and uncles and picked up Ivy.

"Hey, Mommy!" Ivy ran to the door after she kissed her aunt and uncle goodbye.

"Hey Baby are you ready to go?" She asked her pinching her cheek.

"Yup" She nodded before grabbing her mother's hand and heading to the car.

Sady's headache was getting the best of her. She seemed to get them at all times of the day and normally after smoking, they would disappear. She figured nature's medicine was better than dealing with a headache for hours.

"Can we call daddy?" Ivy asked as Sady rubbed her temples.

"Yeah, Here." Sady told her as she called Rico and passed Ivy the phone.

It went straight to voicemail.

"Press the phone button and try again." Sady told her.

Ivy tried again and still, it went to voicemail.

"We can try later okay? It's still early." Sady told her seeing Ivy had a look of disappointment.

Ivy nodded looking out the window as they continued home.

They pulled up to their complex and headed inside.

Ivy and Sady had the whole weekend to themselves. Although Sady was tired she still had things planned throughout the weekend so that way Ivy could enjoy the days leading up to her birthday and birthday party.

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