Hot and cold.

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The officer let them off with a warning after Sady explained she was the designated driver and wasn't drunk. She told him she swerved due to Rico bothering her while driving. It didn't hurt that Sady still had on the same outfit from the club. The officer requested a breathalyzer before he dapped Rico up after he confessed Sady was his baby's momma and they were expecting, again.

Sady on the other hand was over the night and was just ready to go home as she pulled Rico to his front door.

"Sady why you let Ari get you into trouble?" He smacked her ass as she tried to find the keys to the door.

"Rico chill the fuck out." She said to him as she pushed the door open.

He stumbled in behind her. 

She turned right around about to leave.

"Where are you goin?" He asked following her.

"Rico go to bed. I'll bring your truck back in the morning. I'm goin to my sisters." Sady tried to shut the door.

"Sady don't leave. You can stay and lay wit me. I know you tired." He told her grabbing her chin.

He knew she wasn't sleeping well since the news. He saw it on her face. The last time he saw her sleep peacefully was in his arms after she cried herself to sleep.

"Rico please I am tired and I want to go home." Sady told him as he held her arm.

He wrestled the keys from her before shutting the door.

"C'mon." He told her grabbing her by the arm.

"Rico I'm not no fuckin kid let me go." Sady snatched away from him nearly falling.

"You do the most for no fuckin reason. Just like a fuckin kid." He said backing her towards the wall.

"This is exactly why I don't wanna be around you." Sady told him as he looked down at her.

She already knew he wanted her since she felt his manhood poking her.

It was the same intensity she felt every time they were alone together.

"Man, I'm tryna be all round you." He told her kissing her neck.

"Rico move." She pushed him off.

He eyed her as his eyes went over all her curves.

"Who told you that you could wear that?" He asked as again as he peaked at her backside.

"Rico we are not goin over this anymore. I wear whatever I want. Ari gave me this to me to wear so I could come with her so she could get Tay home. Since you out here havin him act like a hoe, like you. I didn't even plan on goin out so I didn't bring any clothes." Sady said using her hands to cover the revealing parts.

"Girl it's already all out. You letting everybody see it." Rico licked his lips looking her up and down.

"Bye." She told him as she tried to grab his keys.

"You drink tonight?" He asked her again.

"Rico No! Please just let me leave." Sady whined.

"Nope." He told her before running down the hall and up the stairs with the keys.

Sady realized it was another one of his losing battles.

He was already immature naturally she could only imagine him drunk. She sighed before heading to the guest room. She didn't have the energy to chase after his immature drunk self and knew if he lured her to his room he would do the same thing he had always done. She shook her head she was too tired.

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