New crib who this

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"Finally we are back home!" Vanessa shouted as they walked into their home after a long six weeks.

"Finally." Sady sighed taking a seat on the sofa.

"You ain't even have to do none of the hard work." Rico walked in with a few bags.

"Excuse all of you I did all the work." Sady pointed to the curtains and food on the counter.

"Wow, you made lunch for you to eat." Rico laughed.

"Food for all of us. Ivy! Quay! Your plates are on the table." Sady said winded as they laughed.

The kids ran in from outside and took a seat at the table.

"Aht aht!" She looked at them as they both stopped in their tracks as they dropped their spoons and headed for the bathroom to wash their hands.

"Don't speak to them kids like they are animals." Vanessa laughed.

"As much dirt and grass, they was out there eatin it would not surprise me." Sady laughed.

"Ay don't do my babies." Rico laughed knowing she was right.

"Those are grown little people." Sady laughed.

"Okay. Done." Kevin walked in out of breath carrying another box.

"See that wasn't hard at all." Sady said cheerfully as she struggled to get up.

They all let out a laugh as Rico leaned over to help her up.

"Thank you and forget y 'all for laughin at me." Sady pouted as she headed for the dining room to sit with the kids.

"You bring the kids clothes?" Vanessa asked them.

"Clothes?" Rico and Sady said at the same time.

"Yea, the kids said they was spendin the night." Vanessa shrugged.

"Quay, Ivy who said that?" Sady turned and asked them.

"You guys did." Ivy said cheerfully.

"Yup. You all said as soon as TT Nessa and Uncle Kev moved in we can spend the night." Quay agreed.

"Yup and we're all here to spend the night!" Ivy cheered.

They all laughed at them and their logic.

"We didn't bring in clothes so I don't know." Sady was unsure.

"They should be fine without them." Vanessa told them with a nod as she started straightening things up.

"We can grab em and bring em back or we can just get em in the morning?" Rico offered.

He was honestly looking forward to an empty house. For the last few weeks, he had a full house that left him overwhelmed sometimes. Sady had been keeping the kids at home and often had Reese over so on top of Sady and the kids there was his sister, her sister, nephew, Ari, and his cousin Tay were always over. Kevin was the only person gone but that was because he was always working.

"Either will be fine." Nessa smiled knowing they both needed a break.

"Long as you come back for em." Kevin joked tickling Ivy and Quay.

"You just couldn't wait to kick my babies out." Sady pouted as she took a seat near the island.

"You just said they was little people. But yea just one night." Rico admitted.

She nodded understanding he had been used to being alone before he was met by a group of people every day.

Sady Baby [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now