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Sady got up earlier and got ready for the day. She changed and fed Alan before getting Ivy up and getting her ready for the day. She put on a cut beige blouse and high-waisted jeans with sandals. Ivy wore a cute white button-down and khaki pants with her matching sandals.

"Hey sissy you okay?" Vanessa asked Sady.

"Yeah. Just let me know if you need me and I'll be back to help." She told her grabbing her bag and kissing her nephew.

"Girl we are fine. We will see y 'all later." She told them kissing her niece.

"Mommy where are we going?" Ivy asked as they arrived at the address he shot her.

"Some place Rico wanted to meet." She told her as she helped her out of the car.

Ivy giggled. "You mean daddy." She ran over to him as his long curly pigtails bounced.

Sady rolled her eyes.

Although she couldn't stand him she couldn't hate how much they looked at each other with love.

"Daddy, why are you meeting us here?" Ivy asked as she grabbed his hand.

"It's a test.  Just to prove to the whole world you mine. Not just your mommas." He pinched her cheek.

"Can't they tell when they look at me?" She asked as they walked towards the door.

"You would think so huh?" He told her.

"Yup." She nodded. 

"Checking in for Jackson." He told the woman at the front counter who flashed him a smile.

"You said it's a test?" Ivy asked him as they sat down.

Sady was practically invisible as the two remained talking.

"Yup." He smiled. 

Sady knew he was already tired of Ivy's questions although he put on a good face.

"Then what happens if I fail?" She looked at him with a pouty lip.

"You don't have to worry about that baby." She told her daughter with a smile.

"Jackson." The nurse called them back.

The test was short and simple as they swapped all three of their mouths. Rico asked to have it expedited and they were told the results would be posted online within the hour.

"So what y 'all wanna do while we wait?" He asked them as if it was something casual.

Sady was already annoyed by his casualness of the situation.

"How about we go grab something to eat and sit at tha park?" He suggested.

"Yay!" Ivy tossed her arms in the air.

"C'mon slow poke." He pulled Sady along.

They finally decided on something that they could all eat before they ordered and headed to the park.

*ding ding

Vrrb vrrb vrrb.

Both of their phones went off.

Rico picked his phone up while Sady didn't even bother looking.

"I didn't think a test was necessary but I told you so." Sady told him as she took a drink.

"You didn't even look at yo phone." He told her.

"Didn't need to. I know who my baby daddy is." She told him nonchalantly.

"Well, I hope you know if she ain't got my last name we changing that." He told her as they watched Ivy play.

"Look I get it Rico you feel some type of way. I can't say I wouldn't. But you cannot tell me what to do. We have a kid together, I'm not a kid and haven't been for some time. I've apologized and I still am sorry that you missed her life. As we go forward I don't intend on you keeping her from you. I just want to make sure she's safe, protected, and loved." She turned to him.

Rico noticed the fear in her eyes. He knew what she meant. Hell, the night they were together he was already getting in trouble. As he thought back over the years he got caught doing dumb shit he couldn't honestly say what would have happened.

"She has a hyphenated last name. It's Jackson-Jones. She used to want to be called JJ so bad." Sady recalled laughing.

"Why you ain't say that?" He looked over asking her.

He was caught in her beauty. 

She was simple and even in her casualness she was gorgeous.

"Nigga you didn't ask. You just think you can come and dictate shit? Nah that's finna be dead." She told him seriously.

"Wha-" Rico started.

"I wasn't finished. I am sorry again, but like I just promised I'm not here to take her from you. There are things you need to understand." She looked back to Ivy running around with the other kids.

Rico nodded letting her finish.

"Like I said with you being in her life now. I need you to be consistent. Whatever it takes you to do that for her. Not me. What happened yesterday was a mistake." She paused clearing her throat before she continued. "We don't live here so visiting isn't going to be easy but I'll make sure you can FaceTime or however you guys can see each other. I'm not saying I need anything from you financially but it would be nice from time to time. If not cool. I've been taking care of her and we're fine."

"Don't even play me like that. You know I'm taking care of her no matter what." He put his arm up stopping her.

"My kids will be taken care of." He looked her up and down.

"Okay, Rico. I'm just telling you." She told him realizing how her saying that triggered him.

"Okay, what else man." He told her.

"We can figure out visitation once we go back to Cali. While I'm here you're welcome to take her anywhere and anytime... except the trap. My baby don't know nothing about that and she don't need to. I don't need her around any weirdos or junkies. You hear me?" She looked back at him.

"Yeah man." He turned from her.

She was pissing him off. First she 'keeps their daughter from me now she wanted to tell me what to do?' He thought.

"And please whatever you do don't spoil this lil girl. She is super sweet and polite; I'd to keep it that way. You know the usual, not a lot of candy. She is normally in bed at 845 but since we're on vacation she normally passes out by 11. Uhm she's allergic to cats and is terrified of clowns. Other than that she's not a picky eater and loves trying new things." She finished off.

"Okay, I got it." He got up tired of her list already and went to play with Ivy.

Sady followed after she threw their trash away and watched Rico and Ivy play together.

She was sure things werent going to be that simple.

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