5 years later...

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"Baby get up." Sady nudged her daughter trying to get her to wake up.

"Mommy I'm tired." The little girl dragged herself out of the airplane seat.

"I know baby but we can nap later okay? It's time for us to get our bags and head to aunties." She told her as she pinched her cheeks.

"O wow, she is gorgeous." The stewardess complimented her as she passed the pair.

"Thank you." Sady said as she grabbed her hand and they proceeded to exit the airplane.

Her daughter was nearly a replica of her with dimples except her long thick hair had soft curls and she was light-skinned with green eyes.

"C'mon baby." She tugged her hand as she rubbed her eyes.

They made their way to baggage claim and grabbed their bags. 

The two then headed to get their rental.

"Give us a few moments and you can meet us curbside by the pick-up-drop-off area." The woman handed Sady the paperwork.

"Thanks." She smiled.

They made their way outside and waited for their rental.

"Ivy?" Sady looked down at her daughter who yawned.

"Momma can I nap in the car?" She said sleepily as she rubbed her mother's hand.

"Yea, babe. Let's go." She pulled the little girl and their suitcases into the car.

"Here you go." The man passed her the keys as she finished buckling Ivy up.

"Thanks. Don't worry I'll get the bags." She told him as she waved him off.

She had brought a car seat, two carryons, a purse, and a suitcase a piece for her and Ivy. She had become accustomed to packing and carrying for both of them. She put the two smaller bags in and went back to grab the suitcases.

"Lemme help you with that." A deep voice offered grabbing her bag.

"I'm goo-" She stopped and looked up only to see Rico holding her two suitcases.

"O wow!" He said looking her over before dropping her bags and pulling her in for a hug.

She smelt his cologne as he pulled her in.

"Where's the love?" He stepped back questioning her surprised expression still holding her in his arms.

"Hey, Rico." She said softly.

"You act like we not familiar. Don't 'Hey Rico me." He smiled at her looking her over as he let her go.

She was just as beautiful as he remembered. She wasn't a teen anymore and carried herself differently he noticed. The hair she normally pulled back was free and long in her wash-in-go style. Not only had she filled out over time but he was able to notice her curves even in her casual jeans and t-shirt attire.

Rico had grown into himself as well. He seemed to have gotten even taller with tattoos covering his body. Instead of the shortcut he would sport he now had his hair growing, showcasing his soft curls. He didn't wear Jeans but instead, he was in a button-down and slacks. For him, it was his business attire. 

"So you work here?" She asked nervously.

"No just returning a car. I was going out of town for business and instead of using my car I got a rental." He told her casually.

"Oh ok." She reached for her bags.

"I told you I got em. Lemme help you." He told her beating her to grab the bags.

She looked up to see Ivy lying down in the back seat.

"Okay, big man." She chuckled pushing her bags to the side so the suitcases would fit. She was feeling like a nervous wreck seeing him again.

He was still as handsome as she remembered.

"So how have you been? What's it been 4-5 years?" He asked licking his lips he still hadn't forgotten about that night.

"Yeah about that. I've been good just been staying busy. Working. I'm actually just visiting here." She told him. "How have you been?"

"Shit, a nigga been good. Makin good money and takin care of my shorty you know. I'm blessed." He smiled grabbing her hand.

"That's goo-" She told him caught in a trance now noticing the car door open.

"Mommy when we goin to aunties? I'm hungry!" Ivy peaked her lil head out with her long curls flying in the wind.

Rico blinked a few times as if he knew the little girl. She was familiar somehow. He looked at her eyes. They were just like his. 

He shook his head realizing Sady had already let go of his hand, shut the trunk, and was rushing over to the little girl blocking his view.

"We're about to leave okay baby you can lay back down." She patted her on the cheek before shutting the door.

"Uhh, it was nice seeing you Rico. I have to go." Sady rushed off to the driver's side and pulled away from the curb.

He shook his head in disbelief. There was no way that was his baby, right? It was just one night. But the little girl looked about his son's age. Shit she looked like Sady but those eyes; those were definitely his eyes.

Is that why she left? He thought. Before a million other thoughts came to mind.

He felt anger building up as he realized if it was his child she had kept her from him. He didn't understand what her problem was. Yeah, he fucked up but to keep a whole baby from him. He couldn't forgive her for that shit.

He sat there confused before he picked up the phone and called his cousin to come get him.

The entire way he was in his thoughts and letting his cousin know about each and everyone of them

"So you sure?" Tay asked as they drove around the neighborhood.

"Yes, bro. I fucked wit shorty one time. Jas came to me on some pregnant shit when we had Quay and she dreaded that shit. I mean shorty never talked to me again. Moved away and everything." He said as he clenched his jaw.

"Dayuuum. Shorty prolly ain't no what to do. Cause I already know how Jasmine be." He told him shaking his head.

"But a whole 4-5 years that's a long time." He sighed.

"I hear yo bro. Bitches be trippin. I think you should talk to shorty. Shit, what if it ain't even yo kid?" His cousin tried to reason.

"Yeah you right bro." He dapped him up before they pulled into the trap.

"Let's get these niggas in line." He told him before he pushed his clip in.

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