Daddys girl

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"You a fuckin freak." Ari and Vanessa laughed at Sady.

"You guys it's not funny. I went in there to talk to him but he was on my ass. I didn't even know what to do." She shook her head.

"Girl we heard you. We all heard you." Ari laughed.

Ari had initially run to the door to check on her friend only to hear her moaning in pleasure on the other side of the door.

"That's when I told Tay who you was. And you know big-headed Sean tryna be all in the mix." Ari filled Sady in.

"It's uhh been a while." She rubbed the back of her neck Damn near blushing.

"Bitch has it!" Ari continued laughing.

"Honestly it was a mistake y'all." Sady said truly regretting what happened.

"Well after all that did y'all at least talk?" Vanessa asked as she rocked the baby.

"He told me to text him the address and he would be by tomorrow ." She shrugged.

They laughed at her.

"What is funny?" She asked them.

"Yo ass. Over here whipped on some old dick. Didn't even accomplish what you came for. Or did you?" Ari laughed.

"Y 'all it's not funny. It's like this intense attraction when he comes around. I don't know how to explain it." Sady told them.

"Animal attraction." Vanessa chuckled.

"Seriously from now on I can't be left alone wit him. And we can only talk about Ivy that's it." She told them as they chuckled like school girls.

"Fuck y 'all!" She told them,

"Nah fuck him." Ari laughed.

Vrrb vrrb vrrb.

New message from Rico : U still ain't send me the addy.

She rolled her eyes sending it to him.

"Well, ladies me and my baby finna take a shower and get ready for bed." Sady headed to the living room to get Ivy.

"You wash yo self first and then my baby!" Ari laughed as she headed upstairs flicking them off.

When Sady and Ivy got out of the shower Ari had already headed home so they headed back downstairs so they could bake cookies.

"You want some help, Nessa?" She asked her sister who yawned.

"I'm fine. I'm just going to feed him and lay back down." She told her sister looking at the clock.

"It's already 9 how about you get some rest and I'll take him til his next feeding at midnight." Sady offered grabbing the baby out of her arms.

"Are you sure?" She yawned.

"Girl go. He will be fine with us. We're making cookies. After I lay Ivy down I'll come bring him to the bassinet in your room." Sady reassured her sister before she headed upstairs.

By the time the cookies had cooled off, Ivy was busy eating them as Sady fed baby Alan.

Vrrb vrrb vrrb

Her phone rang.

She finished burping the baby and checked her phone to see she had 3 missed calls back to back from Rico.

Vrrb vrrb vrrb.

It was another incoming call from Rico.

"Hello?" She walked confused wondering why he called her so many times.

Sady Baby [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now