Family Time

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Sady looked over to see Quay and Ivy sleep still so she made her way off the bed and grabbed her stuff to shower.

She walked out to the living room with her stuff in her hands to see Rico smiling happily on the couch.

"You're fuckin sick." She told him as she sat her stuff down on the counter and poured herself some juice.

"What's sick is the views on this shit." He told her laughing.

"Views? What the fuck Rico" She rushed over to his phone to see he had recorded himself eating her out.

All you saw was Rico's face and her pussy.

Sady tried to snatch the phone but he pulled away and jumped off the couch running around her coffee table.

"Rico delete that shit fa real." She stopped running, she was exhausted already.

"Man, I'm finna keep this shit forever!" He stuck his tongue out.

"Rico I'm fa real." She said pouting.

"Lemme do it again I will." He winked and smiled.

"Rico I fuckin hate you!" Sady yelled stomping off to the bathroom.

"Yo chill. I ain't even post the video. I was jus thinkin bout it." He told her waving his phone chuckling as he fell back onto the couch.

Sady got out of the shower to see the kids eating cereal in the living room.

"Aht aht." She said as Ivy hopped up.

"Come on Quay my momma don't let me eat in the livin room." Ivy said as she tapped on her brother and headed to the dining table.

"Yea Quay baby no food outside of the kitchen area." She told him as she passed him and rubbed his head.

"Okay, Sady baby." He giggled sitting in the chair next to Ivy's.

Sady couldn't help but laugh. 

She walked past Rico and headed to her room shutting the door behind her.

She decided to make her bed and once she was done she found herself lying back in the middle of it.

Sady realized she dosed off for a bit as she woke up blinked her eyes and saw Rico lying down next to her staring at her.

"Man, what Rico?" She asked with an attitude as she started to sit up.

"Sady. You not finna be on that wit me so chill. I'm tryna have a positive weekend for my daughter to remember. I just wanted to talk to you." He told her lying on his side still.

She sucked her teeth.

Rico had some nerve she thought.

"Wassup?" Sady asked him.

"Why you act like you can't fuck wit me?" Rico asked grabbing her thigh.

"Boy get tha fuck out my room." She pushed his hand off her.

Rico didn't move. 

He just lay there looking up at her waiting on an answer.

Sady scoffed and rolled her eyes as she got up and headed to the living room.

"I'm fa real Sady!" She heard him call behind her.

She stopped in the hallway.

"Rico did you fuckin forget everything? I'm sincerely confused on what part YOU'RE missing. " She looked at him with rage. 

"First you got your crazy ass, fake ass, baby momma pushin my baby. That shit we got past right? Then we got some crazy ass bitch showin up at your house with the kids there. She fuckin stabbed you, Rico!! You could have died. Oh! Let's not forget the whole she's supposedly pregnant with your child part. We can wrap that all up wit you or whoever you were fuckin callin me at 5 in the morning back to back like it was okay to have me answer and for her to be moanin your fuckin name." She pushed him walking out into the hallway.

Ivy and Quay were playing and both were dressed in matching Adidas short jumpsuits that Rico had gotten them.

Sady refused to let Rico crush her plans for the weekend. She figured she could bring Quay and leave Rico ass there. Then she realized she couldn't do that to Ivy knowing she would probably want time with her dad, especially during her birthday weekend.

"You guys ate already?" She asked them as they nodded.

"Okay, how about you guys get your shoes on and we can leave." She told them before turning back to Rico.

"Get your shit on so we can go." She told him before heading into the bathroom to do a once-over in the mirror.

She wore some black biker shorts and an oversized crop top with her black and pink Jordans. Her hair was in a bun as she left front and side pieces out.

Rico walked in behind her not saying anything as he grabbed her mouthwash used it and walked out.

They were nearly matching.

He wore a white shirt and black shorts with his red and black Jordans with his hair in a man Bun.

Sady had noticed when he came he had finally allowed his hair to grow.

"Where we going?" He finally broke the silence as they both exited the bathroom.

"Some stuff I already planned with Ivy. Since you didn't tell me about your lil surprise trip I guess yawl can some along. " She told him going back to the living seeing the kids ready.

They all left for a day of fun. Sady was certain she could deal with Rico for the sake of Ivy enjoying herself. They first made their way to a family-friendly museum before going to an indoor park for the kids. After a few hours of playing Sady ended the night with the movies before they all headed home.

"Did you guys have fun?" she turned to the kids who were already falling asleep in the back seat.

She couldn't help but laugh as she watched them nod off. 

She assumed they must have worn themselves out today.

Rico grabbed Quay while Sady grabbed Ivy before they headed upstairs.

"Thanks for letting me come today. I know yo ass be tired of me." Rico told her as they walked to her apartment.

Sady looked at him and sighed. 

"I do you be makin shit difficult for no reason. Please just chill out? Even if it's just for this week." She asked.

Rico nodded helping change the kids into their PJs before he headed to the living room.

Sady headed into her room and a few minutes later she returned to the balcony offering a hit of the joint to Rico.

He figured it would be easier to co-parent with less arguing so Rico accepted her peace offering.

"Aye don't be bring yo ass in my room no more." She told him.

"Man, I helped you out. Look at you in a better mood and everything." Rico laughed.

"Rico I'm bout to walk away from yo big-headed ass." Sady couldn't help but laugh at the stupid little things he said.

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