Life as we know it.

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The twins were now 6 weeks old and it had been a month since the twins had been home. For everyone, it had been an adjustment but they all pitched in to help out after what happened with Sady.

Rico leaned over to see if the twins had finally fallen back to sleep. It was just after their two am feeding and he was used to dealing with them late night. He looked over to Ian moving before he stopped and went to check on Isabella who was a deep sleeper, unlike her brother. They had finally started to pick up more features and Rico was a little happy to see that the twins looked a lot more like him than Ivy.

Ian was Ivy and Rico's complexion with dimples and deep brown eyes like Sady. Like his sister, he had a head full of dark curls. Isabella was a light brown complexion with Rico's green eyes.  Like her brother, she had a set of deep dimples on each one of her cheeks.

"Good night babies." Rico said kissing them before he shut the door.

While the babies were in the hospital for two weeks before they were cleared to go home Rico converted the large closet at the end of a hall into a nursery for the twins.  He was surprised he was able to fit two cribs, a rocking chair, and a dresser in there but he made it happen wanting the twins it have their own space near his room. The room had been completed a little over a week ago with yellow and  baby green theme on the walls. With the help of his lil sister Reese and Sady's sister Vanessa they choose the colors and picked up lots of stuffed animals for the newest little members of the family.

Rico crept down the hall excited he was able to get them to sleep in their room for a second night in a row. He headed back to his room picking up one of the twins' bibs off the floor and one of the kid's toys.

"You know you don't have to get them every night." Sady smiled as he opened his room door.

"You got them all day wit Ivy and Quay it's the least I can do." Rico leaned over and kissed her.

"You know how many people come to help me? I feel like a bad mom. It's like I barely do anything but provide milk. Someone always comes and takes one. Don't get me wrong cause I appreciate the help. I get to sleep all throughout the night. I just didn't expect this much help really.... You know you're such a good dad Rico." Sady told him not wanting to complain since she was glad she had the help.

"You are an amazing mother and you know this bae. Everyone needs some help sometimes. You just had two babies and lookin fine still. Fa real You the best momma I ever met. I know wit you my kids will go far." Rico told her hopping in the bed.

"You think so?" Sady asked.

"Know so." He told her pecking her face with kisses.

"It's scary to think they are so close but so far away." Sady pouted.

"Down the hall. And we have a monitor." He told her waving it in his hands.

"I know it just feels weird." She said as she climbed onto his chest.

"Not as weird as thinking of havin a life without you." Rico looked down at her.

"I'm not going anywhere. I love you Rico fa real. Whole time you out here tryna be my own real-life ghetto superhero. " She smiled at him.

"Girl I'd save you 100,000 times." Rico told her.

"Over and over again?" She asked him chuckling.

"Over and over again." He told her kissing her.

"Reese come on boo your goin to be late." Sady said as she stood in the driveway of auntie Bean's house.

"I'm coming grabbing my sneakers and I'm ready." Reese yelled towards the screen door as Auntie Bean made her way outside.

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