Home Inn

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"I can't believe you guys said yes." Sady rolled her eyes as they got out of the car.

"Well, it'll only be a few weeks, plus he offered." Kevin explained.

"Yeah, Sady. Sorry but even with insurance on the house we will have to buy a lot of stuff. I looked at it was this way we can save at least. I honestly can say Rico is a big help with this. If we had other options we would." Vanessa told her.

Sady rolled her eyes again as she grabbed their bags. Kevin and Vanessa's house flooded while they were all out one day. Although Kevin had a good job there was no way he was able to pay for the repairs to get them done quickly. They were told it could be at least two to three weeks before everything was done. The upstairs of the house was fine it was the downstairs they had to worry about. Everyone knew it would still be another four weeks before Sady's house was done so Rico offered them all to stay.

Sady immediately complained that if Kevin and Vanessa slept in the spare room she would be left on the couch or in Ivy's room. Instead, Rico said he would give up his room since he was rarely home anyway he figured it should work out. Ivy was excited so was Quay; Although Sady wasn't thrilled about it she felt she didn't have a choice and smiled through it anyway.

"Good morning!" Rico greeted them with a smile as he opened the door.

"Morning." They all greeted him.

Rico showed Vanessa and Kevin to the spare room before grabbing Sady and Ivy's bags.

"Thanks again man." Kevin told him holding baby Alan.

"It's fine. Y'all family a few weeks nothing." Rico told him dapping him up and leaving them to get settled.

Sady took a seat on the couch before turning on the TV and scrolling threw the channels.

"Ivy you hungry?" Rico asked her.

"Nope, I'm going upstairs to play with Quay." She ran upstairs.

"You hungry?" Rico asked Sady who sat watching TV.

Sady sat scrolling through the TV.

"Hello, Sady!" Rico called out.

"Huh?" Sady answered.

"You don't have to ignore me. I was just asking if you were hungry." Rico told her.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were talkin to me and I'm good Rico. I want like real food." Sady complained rubbing her growing bump.

"Ight well check me out." Rico swung her door open.

"A nigga went grocery shopping." He announced proudly as Sady made her way to the kitchen.

"We'll look at you."  she told him laughing.

"Yup got all yo favorites, Ivy favorites, Quay favorite-" Rico told her.

"Lemme guess you got Nessa's and Kevin's too?" Sady laughed cutting him off.

"Na I didn't know what they liked so I just got a whole bunch of extra stuff." He admitted showing a fully stocked fridge, freezer, and pantry.

Sady smiled. She appreciated his effort.

"Okay, Rico stalking me for once finally paid off." Sady laughed grabbing meat from the freezer and ingredients from the pantry.

"Oh, so you cookin?" Rico smiled.

"If I don't cook we all gonna die. You can barely make oatmeal. We won't even get on Nessa and Kevin." Sady laughed.

"We'll save me some. I'm finna run out and take care of something's. I'm assuming Quay cool here?" Rico asked.

"Boy leave me and my children." Sady joked.

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