Tired of Surprises.

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After spending some time catching up with Ari, Sady made her way back outside to help finish cleaning up.

Sady still hadn't said anything to anyone about being pregnant yet.

"Yawl done already?" She asked seeing Rico grab the last bag of trash.

He nodded.

"Oh ok. Well, let me know when you're ready. I'll get Ivy ready now." She told him he nodded and she walked off to Ivy.

Rico hadn't said much to Sady since she asked for photos earlier that day. The rest of the day he just seemed to keep it short or nod at anything she asked.

"Mommy I had so much fun!" Ivy told her hugging her side.

"I'm so glad you did baby." She told her squeezing her face and kissing it.

"Mommy, can I ask for one last thing?" Ivy reasoned.

"Girl, what else you want? You too spoiled." She tickled her stomach.

"I wanna spend the night at daddy's."  She told her grabbing her face.

"I'm sure he'll have no problem taking you but we can ask him." She smiled.

Sady figured a break might actually be nice.

"No Mommy I want you to come." Ivy whined as Rico made it to the front of the house.

"Where y'all goin?" He asked looking at Sady.

"I want us to spend the night at your house. Tell Mommy what you told me. It's a new place and there's a room for you and Mommy and me and Quay." Ivy answered still holding on to her mother.

"Baby I think you will be fine on your own with him," Sady tried.

"Mommy pleaaseee! Pluuuhhhhhheeeaaassseee!" Ivy begged.

Both she and Rico couldn't help but laugh at her overreacting.

"You're welcome too. I have a spare bedroom. Well, a few." Rico told her.

"Rico I don't know if I'm up for it I'm really just wanting to relax." Sady told them.

He nodded.

"Mommy, can you just stay til I fall asleep?" Ivy continued to beg.

Sady didn't see any end to it and figured since they were still celebrating Ivy's birthday she could at least stay until she passed out and from there she could just Uber from Rico's because there would be no way she would be staying the night.

They got in his truck.

"Okay, I'll stay until you fall asleep." Sady turned around and smiled.

Ivy's face lit up.

Rico nodded.

"Wait how you gettin home?" He asked.

"I'll just Uber." She answered.

He nodded.

"That makes me so happy! I just I wish Quay didn't have to leave." She looked out the window.

"It's fine twin. He had to go back with his mom. You will see him on Saturday. And we can call him in the morning." Rico told her as her smile returned.

Ivy seemed to be on cloud 9 as she chatted them to death the whole ride to Rico's all the way until she passed out.

Ivy had been right when she told her Rico had moved. He now had a four-bedroom house in a pretty good neighborhood that looked to be newly furnished. Sady admired the place but definitely lacked décor as it was simple and filled with simple furniture. The only thing that appeared to be done to her was the kid's rooms. Ivy and Quay had their own rooms painted in their favorite colors. Ivy had pink painted in hers, while Quay's room was painted green.

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